Created: 4/4/1970

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ot Aprtl ly7o


DANANG Station Monthly Heport for0


No significant Incidents of hostile aotivlty were reported during the month of March. However, in the early morningpril,am rocketaon the Danang Air Base. No caeualltlaa were sustainedesult of theae explosions. There haaeneralized Increase in overall security measures in the Danang area and Increased enemy activity has been forecast by eeveral sources.

On* Southern Air Transport flight waa handled by the stationarch.

The local customs office has agreed to the deletion of the groundand generalised compliance with Instructions provislone of their overtime authorisation form. This information haa been communicated to GAH/SCN and it la anticipated that approval to algn the form will be received shortly.

fcomaoditiea in bulk quantities (cases of aoft drinks and milk)

*"by liisccasec with the USAF Baae Conraanoer. it waa agreed that thie practice would be discontinued and auch ealea have now ceaaed. oderate renovation on tha snack bar was accomplished by the NCO club during the last three days of March.


The local COBDS Air Operations Officer haa voiced soma interest in attempting to gain approval to embark and disembark customer passengers at Danang on coapany international flights. Apparently these flights are utilisedertain extentorpe baaed peraonnel on Nfcfi and such an arrangement would eliminate the need for travelling to Saigon to board the aircraft. The matter haa been referred to customer channels In Saigon for action.


Tentative plans have been formulated to renovate the present company hostel and to expand same to include the adjacent Station Manager'a residence. Should thie plan be implemented, SZ/DAD will havo to relocate to other quartere. Preliminary Investigations indicate that with the recent reduction in the value of the piastre, suitable accocsacdations would costC$VN per month In rent.


It la underetood that the pro forma AKa for the Danang concrete Paving/Drainage Ditcn Completion and Passenger Terminal rtenoration projects have now been approved. Further action on these facilities improvements are presently pending approval of the required Forms F.

If funda araustomer decision will be necessary to determine which of the two psseenger terminal Improvement projecta under cone iteration will be selected. Renovation of the CSDle atlllelease of the building from the Embassy.


The Grand Hotel, Danang, has agreed to extend credit to the company when room* are required for flight crew personnel. Previously, it was necessary to make cash payments in advance when Insufficient space wae available ln the company hostel. Room vouchors will be issued by flight operations when required.

fl payroll for the aonth totaledi fl

Petty cash expenditures totaledi VN


As anticipated, revenue flight time returned to normal ln Kerch aa compared to th* depression in February. Aftar two passenger flight schedule changes byorning departure, direct Saigon, was re-establishedquipment, which requlree this aircraft to RON daily. It le not utilised on Sundays, since an alternate flight scheduleut of Saigon la substituted that day of the week. Apparentlyoad factors are being closely monitored by the AID cuetomer to determine If dallyervice might be eufflcient.

The followingreakdown of flight time generated by thie station during Marchi


Total 6

Revenue losses for the aonth were aa followei

Customer Cancellation -



The hostel occupancy factor waauring thootallaatree were disbursed to provide hotel accommodations for flLj+it crew personnel. Non-availability certificatesotal ofights were issued to TCS ground pereonnel.


Minor interference problem aontinue to be experienced on HF, but orerell radio communications vere satisfactory.

In cooing end outgoing Msaagee48 respectively.


Discussions with SRTM/SW indicate that reasonable progress ie being aaoa towards the eventual procurementet of cargo weighing ecalee. The proceeelng of the Canang AK wae delayed eomewhat to permit conaolidatlon with tha same requirement at Mha-Trang.

Passenger and cargo statistics for the aonth are aa followe i





was obtained froa the VNAF security office to permit the scheduling of one GTD driver0 houra dally. Previous to this approval it was neceesery to have non-driver pereonnel operate company vehicles when transportation requirements generated0 houra.

At least until the and of April, no problema with air baee paseaa should be encountered. All ground personnel now have valid passes although some are only for temporary duration. To date, flight pereonnel have not bean required to produce valid pea see on entering the baas.


Both cp/DAD and SCm/DAB returned froa home leave in March.

Lxpected problema with the local Immigration autboritiee did not sateri-aliee. Mo employee has reported being eubjectedesidence check or being required to produce his passport for any reason. It Is often difficult to determine whether or not various prerogativee of the local authoritiea will be exorcised.

PM/5CH hasthat work permit applications for certain Job tltlee are being closely scrutinised by the Ministry of Labor.ermit baa already been disapproved, for one Danang based TCH employee. It appears aa though the Vietnamese Government la novoncerted effort to require the replaceatent ofTCN peraonnel with local nationals.

Since the cLosing of the "Mew Hostel" company provldadhave not been available to TC3 ground peraonnel. Although not great in number.nd Vietnamese personnel assigned TCS to Danang confirm that the present par diem retoa are insufficient to seat living expense* on the economy.

The personnel breakdown for Danang Station at the close of business,as as follows i


Pre-Process Temporary Daily Hire


t;ckhical suvvras

HMDotalrrivingeparting flighta, as comparedespectively in February. Delays attributable to maintenance, which resultedevenue loae, totaled: 2. Five heavy (four numbernd one numberervioee were performedB aircraft. Five aircraft wore placed on AGP status during tne month, and two outstation recoverlea ware necessary. Mo engine changes were required but on VTB propeller waa changed due to blade damage.

Maintenance servicee wore requested by the pllota of two non-company aircraft. After coordination with SGK it waa agreed to provide minor aaolBtanceKR waa signed. The Captain. operated Tradewiod aircraft refused thla propoaal,et of sparkplugs was changedLAP CL? since the pilot In command had no euch objection.

BGMDotalanhours of which LO were utilised in the maintenance of loaaed properties. Significant projecta Included repainting the streetalde of the Operatlone/Administration building and tha constructionith USAF provided PSP, at the road entrance to the aircraft parking ramp.

It has been reported that. Army will assusn the operation of the present Naval Support Activity aoaetlas in June or July. It is not known at this tine if there will be any affect on the company supply account when thle changeover is aade.

Orijannl Signed by WINSTON C. CAMBRE

Winston C. Cambre

cc: file

Original document.

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