Created: 8/4/1970

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible






tation Monthly0

No significant incidents of hostile activity wore reported during the nonth of July. However, there haseneralised increase in overall security measures in the DaMang area and increased eneny activity for the early part of August has been forecasted by eeveral sources.

The early part of the nonth brought an increase in the nuaber of Southern Air Transport flights transiting this station. All were eubstitute service Stars li Stripes nissions scheduledesult of the World Airways flight crew walk-out.

Traffic and Operations had been geared to handle seventeen SAT flights during July. However, an agreement wes reached after only six flights were operated and the remaining unflown nissions were cancelled.

An agreement has been reached with tne Headquarters and halntenaneef Karine Airo remove from their supply area Helicopter and aircraft parts that they are triable to use.

To date we have receivedOO pounds of aircraft parte and miscellaneous supplies. The most noteworthyall boom assembly and four main rotor mast assemblies.

Asontinues to weed through the supplies they have on-hand, they will call us whenever they run across something they feel we may be able to


There is no way of projecting the monetary valve possibls from this projsct.

Payment of the rent for the former SZ residence was paid oouly. The Agent for the landlord expressed great disappointment due to the fact his requestent increase was not approved.


The Area Paving and Drainage Ditch Completion project wastand-still for bettereek due to the non-availabilitysswnt mixer.

On theixer was obtained and the project has noved along swiftly. There should now be no problem meeting theugust completion date.

operations (cgrrp)

aon-ava1lability certificatesotallghta vara issued to TCS ground paraoppol. taring taaiastres werebvraad to provide hotelfor flight erear pereenaml. This amountraetlo reduction ever the aaount diehvreed inB0$TN)esult of the completion ef the hostel ^novation project.


It appeera that we atlll are expei-ieoelng problaae with thetripe had to c* uade to the 'rhc 'vetaa waa off-the-elr two days during

therepaired until the Koto role amint sinuses nannale were received froa CMD/SGM. Overall HP operation -as nomnl with only win or interference encountered.

Incoming and outgoing naaaagee13 respectively.


Paseeager and cargo atatiatlea for the aonth of Jul/ are aa followei



There were no aajor prohleae encouatered ia thle area during this reporting period. The TfAP Security Officeo validate Company Travel Ordereimited time In lieu of requiring the processing of temporary air base peaces.

Station Manager, Winston C. Camera, departed on home Leave onuly. The onderelgned aesuard the dutiss of Acting Station Manager on that date.

The personnel breakdown for thla atation at the close of business,as aa followsi




PJCotalxrivingspertingo cooperedrrivalseparture* in June. There were no delays which reeultedevenue losa chargeable to nelntenanee. Threeervicee were performedB alreraftervices were also accoopliabed on sane type.

There wae one engine change performed during July. Thie wae accces-pllehed on VTB,after the pilot reported tbe IH engine torque indication was progresBivaly decreasing. The reason for this low torque waa believed to be internal olnee the engine showed no evidence of en oil leak in the external torque system cosnxmente. Other vol pars transiting thie stetion presented only minor probleno which involved only sdnor sdjustomuts and not Incurring any revenue lose.

ItGK)otalanhoura of0 were utilised at the hostel. With the consist Ion of the hostel Nanovation project, oCKD will now divert it's attention to the painting of the nooe hangar.

The final Invoices fron Danang Naval Support Activity were paid onulyugust respectively. Kb further word has been received regarding our procuronent of supplies fron tbe Amy Support Coasssnd.

Urifpnai burned n>

. Grace Dennis P.ZCAO

CO I file

Original document.

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