Created: 8/29/1994

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Ed Cohen. Director, Information Management: WELCOME and Statementurpose

Ken McDonald Chief. History Staff: OVERVIEW

Scott Koch, CIA Historian: Statement re Office of Security

Kevin Ruffner. CIA Historian: Statement re Directorate of Science and Technology

Mike Warner. CIA Historian: Statement re Directorate of Operations


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Moderated by Ed Cohen


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Directorate of Science and Technology Decennial Review of Designated Files

The CIA Information ActK4 states lhat "only those files that document the means by which foreign inlelligence or counterintelligence is collected through scientific and technical means may be reccmrnended foronsequence of this law. the Director of Central Inlelligence approved ihe following files of the Directorate of Science and Technology io be exempt from sraiches under Ihc Freedom of Information Act (these are listed in the Federal Register):

Analysis and Exploitation files. These are files that documentand technical methods used in ihc collection, analysis, and exploitationintelligence and other imagery for foreign intelligence

Intelligence files. These are files which document scientific andused in the collection, analysis, and exploitation of ekctnxnagnetic signalsintelligence and counterintelligence.

c Operations and Technical Support files. These are files which document scientific and technical methods used in support of human inlelligence source operations in the collection of foreign inlelligence and coumcrintelligence.

d. Intelligence Collection Systems files. These are files which document the use of other scientific and technical methods in conjunction with clandestine operations in collecting foreign inlelligence and countcrinielligence.

In working with theor this decennial review, the History Staff learned that the Directoraie does not maintain its records in distinct files, as described above. There is no separate 'Tile" for Intelligence Collection Systems, for example, or any of ihc other designated files. Records do not contain special codes lhateviewer to determine whether they are exempt. Rather, documents of all types arc interspersed throughout the

DS&T's componenis and at the Agency's records center. As will be discussed shortly, theust search all of its records in response toOIA request. With the exception of requests for imagery analysis and exploitation files, no FOIA request is aulonutically declared exempt by thentilearch has been made and the records have been examined.

The Deputy Director for Science and Technology is responsible for directing ami coordinating the activities of the Offices of Research and Developrnent, Technical Collection, Devclopmenl and Engineering. Technical Service, the Foreign Broadcast Information Service, and ihe National Photographic Interpretation Centerhe four designated files are found in most, but not all. of theomponents. The Foreign Broadcast Information Service, for instance, has no files designated as exempt under the FOIA. The National Photographic Interpretation Center does not have an exemption for Signal Intelligence while the Office of Technical Service docs not have an exemption for Imagery Analysis and Exploitation.

Ihcoes not plan to add any additionul files for exemptiondministrative changes and reorganizations over the past ten years, however, have meant lhat exempted riles from some older components have been merged into newer componenis. These records will continue to carry their FOIA exemption status. The DS&T. likewise, does not planemove any of its four exempt files during this decennial review.

Over the past three weeks, the History Staff hasspot check" of the DS&T's records. We have examined various project files to see how records fall under Ihc four designated files. We have had ihc full cooperation of thetaff and discussed the overall records management system with the Directorate's Information Reviewhile by nohorough search of all of theecords, our brief look at several projects to date confirms the validity of the exempted files in the DS&T.ecords are sensitive because of their very nature, the relationship

between CIA and otheras well as the actual intelligence that is derived fromperations- The History Staffs specific recommendations corKrrningeuwds will be discussed at the conclusion of my briefing.

As slated previously, theearch of its records for the bulk of its FOIA requests. The Directorate docs not automatically exclude any records from FOIA searches with the exception of requests for imagery.earch by the components, theRO then determines if the documents fall under the four general exemption files. At this point, the IRO ascertains whether to review the records under FOIA or to deny the request based on the current exemption regulations. Whileaw permits theo exempt without review those FOIA requests that fall within the four files, the Directorate still conducts searches for the majority of requests lhat it receives.

Theas taken steps, however, to remove certain records from its four exempted files.T now conducts FOIA searches and releases material on the research, development, and operationsndeconnaissance aircraft, both of which were formerly in exempted files. Likewise, thes currentlylassified history of those programs under FOIA. There may be similar progress with NPIC records of early reconnaissance programs and imagery if the Presidentroposed Executive Order dealing with overhead reconnaissance.

The History Staff does not piopoNe to recommend any changes in the DS&T's four FOIA exemption files as establishedhe History Staff, however, may well recommend that some olderecords that fall within these four files be opened for FOIA review. The fact mat the Directorate now reviews FOIA requests dealing withnd theositive step. We hope that we can identify other older records in the DS&T's designated files thai should be opened for review.

Original document.

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