Created: 9/23/1970

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memorandum for the record subject


eader* of llv PDC liave attempted to negotiate with Allendc forcu* to exact conditions in return for thoir votos in tho election lo bo held lie was disposed to lull; with the Christian Democrats, allitoFc they mighl request liad already been incorporated in the program of Unidad Popularany Christian Democrats continue to hope, nonetheless, that they conavorable bargain with the UP.

As pnTt of ijn effort to fissure Allendc's election in Congress, the UP (particularly the PCCh) has moved swiftly to tako overmodia to prevent the dissemination of opposition views nnd factual news. ampaign on behalf of the UP, headed by JorgeCCh deputy and journalist, has usedagainst newspapers in Santiago. Ligeia Xialladaros, another PCCh journalist, has been carryingimilar task in the Owners of large, non-leftist newspapers, Augustin Edwards, owner of Elnd German Pico Canas, of_L* Terccra, have been threatened with assassination. The Southern Press Chain (SOPESUR) iscliing its newspaper plants in six major cities,Santiago.

TVnd tho radio station of theechnical University (UTE) have been taken over by tha PCCh. Thoy are being operated by workers and students and armed Communist patrol the campus of tha UTE.

The Communists arc active in other ways as well. Throughout the country tlio someOO election campaign committees of the UP (largely dominated by thenstead of being disbandod, have expanded their roleocal government. Having been called the "new Chileanhese committees are combining bothand iniirr.ii' .tlon in their contacts with local officials in an attempt to place UP members and sympathizers in the machinery of local governmentthe election ofctober.

In the week foil Of/in Jl theeptember election rhorflon Chilean banks. Credit became tight as moreoredemanded cash payments. The financial situation threatened to


get completely out of hand. The Centre! Hank responded bythe money supply end the printing presses wero puthift br.sis. Financial panic was averted. On the other hand,. Embassy has been unable to process all tho visa requestsby Chileans who want to leave the country and certain Chileans in Argentina have even approached Argentine authorities with ato helpefugeeendoza, across the border from Chile.


Active in still another direction, the Left las tried to obtain support within the armed forces or at least to divide them, of Allendc had met with General Roberto Viaux, leader of the "Tacnaao" rebellion of Although rcthed, General Viaux has extensive support among non-coms and younger officers. After meeting with the UP, however, General Viaux declared publicly that he had neverarxist and would do nothing to divide the armed forces. President Frei, himself, said that the statement was of the greatest importance; the armed forces realize now that they are struggling for institutional survival.

Original document.

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