Created: 6/30/1971

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible

SCP/TO via : 1

FROM : Jfo.

SflUBCT Monthly Report.

After collecting notes and caking up several pages of draft report, it all aeered toollection of deficiencies and problems which from oast experience has indicated gets little attention and no action. Therefore it was decided to sumcerize and forget the details.

Thieft, armed robbery and robbery by the National Police were all iteno of note during the aonth. The amed robbery was in an employee's driveway at noontime. The police werewo o'clock in the morning house search and after theyumber of items were foundeedless to say, nothing has been done on there or any other Illegal acts, nor Is anyone so optceriatie as to believe anything ever will be done or even attempted to provide assistance.

Many man-hours have and are being expended getting ration and identification cards and re-registration of vehieloa. Many copies of numerous forms and trios to downtown Saigon are time consusdlng, hazardous and completely frost rating. Leave, STO and official travel le aotentially going toroblem until the new visas aret turned out that the problem was not the VH, but rather USAID who was holding up the process. Some of tho applications dated hack to Msrch and were sitting in USAID without action. It Is reported that the situation has Improved, but there has been no Indication of the "laproveaent" as yet.

Scheduling was wit on the cai-net tc comply with the restrictions of the Flight Tire Standards and get the training accomplished to have theperational by the first of July. Mr. Peed Chase, who arrived from Tienttane torank Smith, who is leaving the company, hasine Job thus far. With the resignation of one the experienced schedulers, as well as Ocrdon Smith, the number two scheduler, the section Is operating short handed. In spite of this, there haveinimum of serious problems and the schedule has required less (emergency) waivers that were needed in the past. Hopefully this willurning point in the overall shortcomings of the Scheduling Section, although, as long as we are forced to ccrtply with the limitations of the Flight Time Standards w* will have problems in meeting the heavy loads the customer often has to impose to meet his requirements Tor student moves and other such surges In flying. It is the sane old story of "feast andf tho time Is soread out over the whole month it iso moot, but it Just neverout that way.

ASC?-A's visit to Saigon came at an appropriate time when the CA7 "reactivation"announced. His presence helped considerably ir. smoothing over scewj of the problems and "special considerations" required fromo keep ooerating and still get the necessary CA7 training out of the way. It is believed thtt he alsouch better Insight on some of the local problems and contentions


which have to be constantly dealt with. It would be nice to think that nope or the "headquarters" types Bight aake aiailar visits. After all, there are so many more enjoyable places to sake "official visits".

CPSVNisit to Taipei to sit in on theontract negotiations In regards to crew manning. Many problems were resolved otherwise in conference with SCP and

FEPA continues to be the main source of information regarding what is going on and olanned for the company. aesaagerom PBPA President to PS PA SVK/UTH/VTK). While the example isritical itea, it is demoralising that FEPA can advise their members of what is happening and the company does not ao advise its managers and supervisors. This puts the managers and sunervisors in the field, contlniously on the defensive, we have no official sanction with which to debate or accept their oublished word.

V. m.wku.


Original document.

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