Created: 9/1/1971

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SCP/TPE via: 1



Monthly Report

This should prow to be my last Monthly Activity Report ae Chiefay thisoequest ln the System Chief Pilot's office to allow me to return to the lineine Cantain. Toave not received any official notice that ay request has been received nor of any contemplated action upon it, if it has been received. ave been advisedumber of pilotsm to be replaced by Captain Harry Hudson sometime during the month of September. One pilot relayed toessage from Captain Hudson to the effect that Captain Hudson would be here after returning from his leave. Also from the pilotas Informed that there would be another American Crew Scheduler assigned to CSS/SGH. Whether true or not, it is interesting to see how often these sources are our first indication of what is to take place. Their batting average in the past has been exceptional. It is most embarrassing to be constantly pre-empted by the pilot body on information which is thought would be officially announood to them rather than have this informationreceived from them. Rumors are tha life blood in any working group. The pilot body here is no exception. It Is perhaps sound philosophy to permit leakage of prlvlledged information to allow the employees to become adjusted to any given change well before the change is made.

The highlight of the month was the assignmentew Base Manager. As with all new brooms, the seeplngsifferent tack. The big change is the establishment of new duty hours, to beeptember. The new duty000 minute lunch break, is the result of the shifting of emphasis to nigh-time aircraft maintenance. This, as indicated by BM/SGN and MTS/SGM, will produce approximatelyore "Aircraft-Days" per month. What impact this will have upon crew scheduling is speculative. At present our manning Is at the saturation point considering the Flight Time Restrictions. Then againore definite aircraft maintenance schedule, rathereas vacillating maintenance schedule, mayoon to achedullng in reducing last minute changes so prevelant in the past. Another big policy change di-ected by BM/SGH0 day moratorimm on the adherence to thoours in seven day Flight Tins Restriction to equalise flight time and trip time within various programs. He has directed that pilots be flown outside the restrictions, through use of customer emergency waiver, even if there are pilots who are within the legal limits. Hopefully this will permit us to gain some ground and get back on reasonable footing. Under the present manning It has been somewhat hopeless, heretofore, and stay within the purview of the restrictions. The Base Manager also announced the abolishment ofRV position. The CP/FW goes back to CP/SGK encompassing the Rotary-Wing Division/SGH. Another edict of the Base Managerreat impact upon this department is the withdrawal of ground transportation priviledges for quarters to work to quarters of American personnel. Those affected are KCSS and SITl/SGK.

The Saigon Chapter/FEPA conducted elections for Chapter officers. The election was contested as not being legal according to their by-laws. This contest was uphelde-run is in the offing. As it MM, the first "Election" generated

/considerable aaount of Internal animosity between the two factions as well asinterest both in senagestent as well as the pilot body. It was enjoyable

to be able to observe without hawing to really worry about one problen at least.

It will be interesting to see how the re-run goes and if anything is really solved.

The final announcementisplacement was made. Suprlstngly enough we here in Saigon were not overly effected. With minimum amount of training we ^should be off and running, provided of course we get the pilots ae assigned.

We are still trying to get Hex Toung from "Bangkok. He was assigned here under the provisionsnnouncement made last October. Sow we are waiting forpilot from Bangkok asflhshb*a date nothing has been generated to start hla transfer to Saigon. PH/SGH has not been informed that1 s be transferred consequently no efforts have been irade towards applying for work permits and visas. This brings to light the saao problems we encountered duringhuffle. From our view down here It Is apparent that Personnel Departments/ Division is not being coordinated with tomooth transfer of pilots in conjunction with various bid awards. At least here at Saigon this is the case. It is suggested that the Personnel Managers at each station be copied on the bid award announcements. This with pre-issued policies regarding the mechanics of transfering the affected personnel should ndnlminuize delays experienced last year.

Inish to express my sincere appreciation for having been allowed the priviledge of serving as Chief Pilot. The trust and faith the company placed in ne by elevating me to the position three years ago, filled ms with great pride and humility. ray, that In the discharge of ny duties,lin no way violated the trust and faith bestowed upon me. ope that as Chiefave contributed to the success of the station and to the company.

cc: bh/sgwile


f. m. tujv. fcll

. Tidwell

Original document.

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