Created: 11/4/1971

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officers eooplalaed among tSnaitlm about fa offlc-.all Of tho decision asking responsibility becauseod toe FL officers desired autonoay.


... t0overnseHilary peraonnelumber

ivsd la aaa Bac proowr,

bat to the outlying village. e^ie vcr. not alined to engage in normal trade activities or operate as serchanta unless they .ere Bombers of th- PLl Clothes, food and manufactured articles sere not la abundance In the

a*eaatooperative store'

aven vhich tbe local villagers could buy

^loth'canned fishcould onlyaed 1/

- tIIIarcts shoved need and paid for the goods by bartar or In PL currency. The primary seans ofas by farnlac The PLATA conscriptad about one-third of the total rice crop grown to the Nam Bsc axoa. Occasionally the PL ex

ocal villager* as coo lies and paid thea

- hi" considered too little to satisfy tba laborers.

*3. L propaganda tea* lead br On Sham .ad consisting of abouten and sight women was active in the re*. The propaganda teas visited the villages between one and threeoath. During the visits by th. propaganda tew? an ssse-tLjv-j. called and discussion gruup. oraches were : SBeSBvt. Play* and visual .ids were sot used by the prupa^nde teas.) Th* topics of discussion centered around Consur-lat indoctrination, onlty and cooperation vith th* -

toas Inforsants on PXG str.-ev.eoti in the area, -

and the necessity of supplying the PLfcoi bik) labor,

* tolaa*lsv of Iaibbc PrAbawr inasto liberate the people in the eurroundin*

' lO Bac UOUld

db) PBtter off If tha PL would seise Luang Prabans. Atthe PL demonstrated thelr'authorilty by arrestaxe sympathizers la the villages. -

Ji-of "ordinary fUUevra warscontrolled by tb* puvth, but vere overseen bychief., for .hort travel, people wore supposed to inforv the village chief about their buslnea.peralsslm to conduct It. for long distance travelrequired to obtain travel

permission cards fro* th* Tillage chiefs. These cardsthe reason for the travel, the destination, andof tbeb* cards sore nottandarddid not need to be returned. eoaaoot. The vlllagerathe fas Bac area did not adhere very closely to thetoravel permission card aod often traveled


S. Approximately five slles north of Has Bac. Invas, as of Augusta cavs theai Prison, also known as "Priaonvers. prisoner* Isr. lotlre Warn Bsc area. Th* cave was

prlsarllyesporary datalolng ares local people .

otwith or sympathUlng with -

all^S tafT During the period ofhere were, seven prisoners froo the lc

area in tbejara, dMBfComAiept.

B^|BBBVHBi^BsVBmmmsV files do aot eootalscrs*ttoBrlsos In tb*

Original document.

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