Created: 4/6/1972

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intelligence information report




ara drivinghey decided to drive In the gate of the courtyard. As they entered, they ware iat by an unarmed ecr.try vho stepped out0 foot bjoot shad-like gatehouse. ^1 epoxe Laotian, told the sentryKw^^te to talk to the Anbasaador. The aentry too* tM| went Into the eabeary, and returned In about five -ir,utoa. ]fa said that the First Secretary would eea thee. The First Secretary, Ngoya* Win Thanh, is the official who opoke to Bob Hope whan he visited the embassy in iwceibor

First Secretary Invited the visitor*oom In which he said hehla meeting with "Meestor" Hope {as he pronounced It). In abouta servant appeared fronarge drape and served tea,Secretary offered the vlaltora clearettes. Ar:nr|

"laiaured hie boat that hla purpoea In stopping was Just thatt, heif Thanh would care to give hla impression of tho meeting with Bob Hope. Thanh answered by asking the US visitor where he was fron and what countries ho had visited before comiivj to Laos. sked what ware the prospects for peace, Thanh replied that mill was entirely up to President Nixon--ail he had to do vaa accopt the eeven.point peaca plan of the Democratic Republic of Vietnamhanh eleo eald that Hope wasiae to the DRV becouae, due to us bonblng, the time vaa not propitious. The Plret Sooretary eald that Hope'e propoaal for releasing us prisoners of war would have created the impression that hiarann were being sold for money and that the Worth Tietnaawjeeuoh higher regard for human bainga than Just selling them for money, asuaineee transaction.

3. Thanh was asked why the religious loaders of tho US, who represented the US bishops, were denied entry to the DRV. Ite replied that the DRV raldgious leader in oharge of greeting foreign religious dignitaries waa out of the country at that tins and, therefore,not available to meet

with the USfor re1ease




wieit with the DRV First Secretary lasted aboutinutes. Thanh was neatly attired, very polite, Alwyoig anile on hie race, spoke fair English, and was wary deliberate in hie apeeoh. Ifc mentioned that, when Hope visited the embassy, the interpreter was an obstacle ratherelp. Thanh added that hie own poor English was ncre than adequate to coeriunicata with Hope. Although Thanhirm handshakeriendly personality, he ie very shrewd and gives the impression that he could nake diplomatic mincemeat of the unwary do-gooder.






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Original document.

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