Created: 2/25/1972

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'resident Salvador Allendala adoptionprogressively harder Una la Itaith HIR (the MnveitCBt of tha fcevolutloaaryi* primary reason far tbe graving disaffection le themp'aland invsjiona" Ia eectberu Chile. What disturbs Allende la popular dlacootent with Mil'a lack of selectivity, aa many of the Invasions are occurring on fern voleh have leaa acreage than theallovad under tba agrarian rsfor* law currently la effect. he police ofteatlace veald do nothing to Interfere with thla KIR activity. Indeed, In such in* ten cna tha govarnDcnt von Id gs ahead and "Intervene" <tnlaechnical ten which describes govsruaaet action toarm nadir agrarian re fanvea though the farm had legally peralselble acreage, this course af action waa taken becauaaesire to placate KIR sod possibly gain ita cooperation la

ether endeavors. I j'


Xt bom appoara. however, that Allende has concluded tbat KU'sreforn comet beat lolled with auch minor eoneesalona. Far thsgovernment la becoming concerned over tha cl lasts ofixiiti astong the email farmsra, who fear that KXR menberathem next.measure attribute

the gorernaoat defeat la the le January by-electlone la ecuthera CMlefarcer diacoeteat with Mil and Alleada'a adId oppoeltloo to Itaprogram, AUeade'a hand Is also being forced by thewhich censured Minister ef tha Interior Jose ToneA Thii was, withoutefeat for bothKIR, whoae representatives booed tbe dilleen President whaafroa tha Rational Assembly building after tha to to had It la sirnificeat that tha new acting Klaleter of thafjfii Voldivia [who haa alaee been replaced by Seraea dela public stetaaeat laaadlately after accepting tha new pealtIonba said ba would act allow HZK to eeotlnoa taking over amallthat hirong believer ia lav aad


_Mi an Accurate reflectleo of hlitMTea the part of Alienee, with *how Rio*,atatenut, tr placate tha aetloa'e asall faracr ]oat

prior to the by-election. Apparently rcienteent le the airarloa aeeter in eouthern Oil la waa efficiently great that thla {enure had no affect, farverno.cnt'a cendldatre vere not euceeoaful in the election. In any case. It doeeearo police will respond te any further HIP. attevpte ec fare conflocetlon, end multlne eoefrontatlona are *ulte llhely. In hie cvn drallati -iti KIk, FIASCOtiff Dcahan oapect Alleede to uee the cenaure of Teha aa aa. excooe for wthdrowlni euppert for HIA actlvltlea.

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Original document.

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