Created: 6/1/1972

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Program Objectives Special Operations Group, Counter Intelligence Staff

Special Operations Qrpup Is responsible forand implementing the Agency program for collection and dissemination of information on the countersubverslve aspect of counterintelligence. This responsibility includes:

A. Collection: Clandestine collection abroad of information on foreign (Soviet, Chinese Communist, Cuban, North Korean, North Vietnamese, tbe Communist Front of South Vietnam,

efforts tc support/cncourage/exploit dcnestlc-extremism and dissidence in the United States. These efforts include funding, training, propaganda,of safe haven, provision of aliasetc. The collection emphasis Is on foreign involvement, whether directly or by indirect third national leftist groups, or Individuals. Principal concern is for coverage of foreign Involvement in the extremist antiwar movement, extremist student/ youth/faculty groups, black extremism, ChicanoPuerto RIcan extremism, deserter/evader support and Inducement, and international aspects of domestic Examples of organizations ofwith respect to possible foreign Involvement therein Include

Dissemination: Information on the above subject, collected by all elements of this Agency, Including/ the Clandestine Service, the Office of Communications, the Foreign Broadcast Information Service, and the Domestic Contact Service, is disseminated as obtained



via special reports series. The bulk of the disseminations are to the Federal Bureau ofbut disseminations are also made to other agencies. Including the White House as appropriate.

Base Maintenance: Since all cablecorrespondence in relation to the programfor reasons of operational securityand is not processed by either theor the Information Services Divisionthe Clandestineomplex, highlysystem la utilized for the control andthis Information. (An additional reason forforystem is the receiptargereporting from the Federal Bureau ofrequires detailed retrieval capability fornames cited, and which would not otherwiseunder existing ISD procedures.) Theand retrieval system has an on-linerexote input capability and Is linked to ancomputer of the Office of Computerinvolved Includes nine0 CathodeTerminals, fiveypewriter Terminals,

oneffline Printer, and oneard Reader.

In addition toInformation as collected, the Agencyfor preparation and provision ofstudies, and estimates on theabove subject, in response to requirementsit by other elements of the Government. compartmentation, such specialor estimates are prepared byather than the DDI,all Information available to the AgencyInformation available to the Government,upon the nature and scope of the

Original document.

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