Created: 10/6/1973

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PBOM i SCRlo. | 3CB/rim73U2

SUBJECT i Monthly3

algnlfieant change* In tho operation. OBtiECM tO BSpOTlOBOO tho old, oldro dso partly to iBpropor etllleatlon, probleas beteeen deeertenane, lo tost sepply ooa withsad Ties totss, too aaaa

UrlAg the aaata ther- rtrt BO aignlfieant OOOWJto La too operation. The Peeaeeiteef aal atea tanao oroonlaaaa too old. old bnI of suotritpa, vhlefa

these aristaation at

oooo sot elaeeee their preelaae vita Beams balds tros vlth Operations end esletenanea.

doflolto lB|iii aoaeiteoalred Wteeea tha differ eat Seat lose of tha UP, If they ara to laorooa their orarall easobtllty.

Tha altaatloa laaatiia la tbat tha Taobolaal Aaatotaata reeoeaBBeda tiene aro sot balaa followed tbaa prolonging tbe aaoa tlaa oa too alroraft aad enai penal. Thaoa1 al air of aranoaiaia that aaat bo rerereed. Thla la appeal ally tree la tha saddle, iiiniiinl, lerela.

With taa raaaadjinuit. of tha key personnel la CAPelcwoBlhy lap una want la Tory oaoh la aridaaoa la that Sectlea keep ap tho pood

Th. mtimimmM aotl*lttoo In8 ftghtor and trainerW.T. .hown laprrriaant during thl* reporting period. The apaPa*tanal dally acrtiaa recalr-eeaata here increased curing ta. Mtt and the nolotananao soaanrea nan bona ^i, to rapportroaomtor.acatl? on radloe and electrical Both rnotU andleor* hare nan. doing too tronblo .hooting t* repair* t* rewara olrvroft to operational ototno la to* oanrtoot peeelble tlae. The radio *nd ol*otrl*nlaaeipcod da notlaotrootLono or oetria. gtren byi acre la regards ta tronblo tbof syatoowi tons can .In*oy In famine

book to snenallsael *tatno. Cf ta* total nunber af fighter alroraft ssslgosd thirty) or* now at taia etetlea. Oaoengineta* oaaltlairy to Tbai-o* farnd3 far an caglae.rainer availability reaolaad tao aaao oa tba rovIous reporting par lad. Of tba totalassigned onlyro at tblo station, nna onaltiag engine, and foarU) ovallablo far ntnioatloa. bath th*as stsnlse sssigns rt to ta* aooadroa ah* bar*ssplsted traising at Mara hopefully -iim-nr-r- Bill iaprvv*.

T-2RD6 oraahod shortly* off onh Oao angina aolfansUao,f anlfaaetlan la net anew at thla tlae. ftecevery ef the alraraft an* ecperri.adnd Si*. P. Isport willttsd t* OVertnnl facility t* determine tba onset aolfaactlca. Tb* roomIt* will be passed ea anna oral

hff TTBlnlnt Tna Hoar.

trla oahlo

oad rigging

identification and oao nf entalag

1. Pleedlat ef hoaaar *soolngpp*ge and axawoeivc wasteh rare dooming aad dl op icing ef natnr. Crcatae dsngereuo bnaard for acebenloo.

2. fighter alraraft act being da ojaad befere tailing la the partiag

3- repair of taalaaynded, at* alroraft aaa daoaged dae year eenatltl*taxi-ay.

lift being xsed In tho flight lino not properly eninteinod, aad operated.8 aaa kit by boat lift, Cpwater did oat report. Pilot did aaa, pre-flight and ooaeeeaaatly after take off goer -acid net fully retreat, fortunately tho back down cn lookedofo loading.

5. Ckeend capper! ecnlpaeant lln, paver wait* aad air eu*pieaaej netU ana* friiaat reonlj iciats af flight lima need eg aalar la rcpelre aad ar tee ting af Cretan, aircraft ayeten* aaatap re a* ere ara raaaowa aad aitaaat battcrloo aad never aara faal. aaa? aaa/aoara nuted laattery aaat aarha than finding faal far tha emit.

Aeeiet night llaal*ncnoo effloer la re-arrantautlca ef tha janwnal aaalen-nont iap na latere are actlvltr.

improve aaean etoek reonlreneata af flight Una.

initiate plea whereby aid repeirahlea are tamed-inlealy naanaT.

Taaala eaatloa rnailaid eheat the nana aa erovlana reporting date,hleh etarted eet ae aa englae ahaayc aaUUtlen la near reported ta be nan at cad ally aaoaaait ana toa eotlen, erect eta tea af tola aircraft le aa-anaan to UUT.aa ehanand antetatten earing landing. Tha aircraft waa forrled beak ta Fa iliad mau repaired, aad relanaad far cporatlaaa. hat waa la far major cbeetoetel verb lc nowar redLee aad oaa trie aetaater.aa finally been rcaaaeaalad and UwaitlnirCT. Tala alreraft bee new fleam alaa* lta erriral at rnohoad*ng. ftaeiaa are airing nere preblanc each day. ImecereUve rediee bare been cent far repair and it appear* there lent any repair fnsalitr la the 3eartbeeat AaU that aaa tha capability to do tho Job, meet likely parte prebleaa dec ta laatlcn eyatea la aara or lece anaind.

The CIC la tala taction raaalac vary week la aapervlalcn aa previanaJy reported.

The AC/CA7 aroera* abewed aa lapiiiianimt In all paaaeo af operation and aa Ucrcaae ef eperaUcaal ready rate over last nonth and ep to proaaat da* to ateek level ar* act being naaltered preperly (two alreraft ar* -tiller battarlec).

aircraft tallaarjn. nedlflcaUan and reoondltlnalng ef alrlraa* baa beam eeopleted.

Valet aaa*nc Caatrel aaa adviand earlier la talc avaatb to acnltor alraraft flight time* aaraltk Cperatlane te evadd hunching ap aircraft lapatr iodic Ina paction. Sevaral AC-A7 aircraft were lapat at th* eaaaa tlaa fer heavy earrii daring thla

Can canine changepleted entetatlnn doc te brokenircraftek flight, ap to pracnit aircraft aCill in enact ctetce if the aircraft is operational er not.

OWO-IP Seetloa

lcneeveaaU purforuenea laomvad during tha oantb. Primary reaeon for talatfaa UUT Mrtaorto thla Section,

l1'problem and ln area aadate.

ThreeDo fIm la from Saigon, acceptance inspection an lasplitad aaa alrataft rleesed far opvaUma. it ealllend witha oa taa toJdnay. aaadan, im opoUoi aad mm

aaa calcyed, ho cos so1

aaaaiaalloll/ damped. War* on taia aircraft aaa oalayed, UnimD aircraft "arc laaot. lata roriodie Iaapcctlea at aaaa tin*.

O-ID aaraaratara aad foal pcmcirom Sapply acre Wen found ta ao looking etna inetelled, Pvtoary ooaao of taiahat taa oolf Ufa af theoo rnarniaota ara capered, ictlan oao Wan taftaa to ratara all af thee* over oalf Ufa eaapetaanta beak far repair.

ttommm *iH<m

Overell nreduetloa laereaeed la tola Sect laa oarlaaj taa snath, Wmsvoi', tha cic

Carried farmard frcn prerleaaeaa tto Waparary repaircpolra aara aoaplstod aad alreraft aaa haea ferried ta Thai-im far "uema! repair.

jua earn CBD repelre aero eeaplctad- Theee alraraft aara teat rieam aad raleaaed to eperatloaa. CBD repairrogreoe, eoaplsllsa willaa tto orrlral ef engine aeoaie.

aitoe own aloof3 naoark etlll la pi iai aoa an* alaer dtocrepoaalce after rea-ap.

1 alraraft fuselage Jig arrlred frea Odom.7cred eat of hangarad tWaInto operation to Wgto repair af1 Trainers.


SWeteaial Shop laaiUil very Way caring. tW aeatb. otal of eightdlff-ereat type* of alraraft aara aaaa god hp tactile lira. Pnpaire aera oaaplotod aaa aircraft laauaad ta eerrlee. fi ictoga that vara oaealaallallj ara presently ondargejlsg ropair, ooae prehlamo era Wing

proper gaga aWetoetol earn special teelo. TWae haa Wea reelected bp toe adviser*a.

Shop iaprore-onU ore Toryid oaaaga toawea ayd-realic prose oad toa harebmro etorlag racks wore aaanfectored.7 rrcrted for aee0al. badva* tos7 aaa toagine stand, hare aot

Plan* for ahca lapi n. lasuts and special projeeto are as follovsi

1 aircraft Jig for aea.

dean sad repaint all shop eoulpemat. with etendard color paint

Renovation of tool crib.

* fire extlBgniehcro.

5* * tool

Another aircraft IM ooUod thie aaarU t** fleet that iumM4 the preeenttolrploaoe. I* to omooroopootlM and lo emoted to retura early CoAoW.

TWproap of UPpenofX training orrlrod ot Pc cheat cap torn laarooMd tao aiotn of gulfromoo oow orooaatoo an Tory poor practicalonMl ha oor, nhlch ccaotant oad olooa aniwrlataa.

ot taa naathe afX cpcraUcn aoa plaaood withrablaaah too paaarplnata aad clroroft epataao. Tan oajor problemaonooatojad lo ton lata arrlrol of car porta enppart-. Mo vara farced taorta from one alrmraft ta eoppert tao ether alraraft. Thla praoeonro hoc aano aerloao of foeto cm Caoretional foody) rota.


Taa laoroaooartle* hero pat tho ornament aeoticeeal r

MchtmmMolar, ic that areeaated from Battanbenp; Technical School

oaclnand ta thlo oantlaa TJarf> trainingf all ill Ml com laotractlmi otth ao CVT ao for all prentice! ran oca*iiol eantrlaatod little or acta Log ta thla ceetlenhe klootrlcal ee mm ayotom era Inoroonlag oaah aonth. Step oh cold he Initiated to eetrain-lap; eebeel for electrical pertteaa of the gen. eyvtem.

Bojer arnhloM ia taia oeejtlaaorn oa fall com 1

1. laprcpar otaropje ef raehat lean eber pedo (pado ore loomed frea alraraft oadile in any Tenant ore* available). Tha tabae ore aot bo lac claaaad prior to be poton-age pine tehae ore clooaad daring nee. xojarity of roehat tehae in no ond net in nam em iitrinl badly, thlo menace their life expoetooop by Stopo inenld be taken ta enforce proper ileaatop aorthed.

2> Tapirndnp; aad ea-ararfngrcroft (oao9 ta the angina emacd by tea oaahnl.

3. Stock leeola for pan oystea are aotaa ayotom ca1 aircraft la rrpwiooolag reelodo.

4. Iaovporieneeda.ear epcrotcre0 onatolaed eajor aaanr* ta right head landing gear coo to thin problon}.

5- lack af toP laeaarehlp and eaperrlelen Uppearo oo if theree UP OZCon* Section aaa).

Ccnveralen to*it,neat ofonpirailm*1 rinilarB Cretan ou coepleted. l Bo.edifleatleolo rrogroeo.

aaadat nolo He* oorrlooo la too treuble ahoeMng of following olroroftt

eas* TBT toll cap oatoaaa oonoaotor Aoooanootod afterhci-to.

ltlon rolarairing not OaplieaUag1., aa/lfM Iaeatl-flaaUoa Badarac airplaneairplaeae.

3* iafooUro B7 oadoaaaeach repaired.

ll radios and latarnaaaoo inoperative.

anoaura-cnt P7 ooaaootor oaaad Of activeV* oaallflar.

f. ofaoUra letiiiaoao oaatrolench rapalrod.

Aoalot la expediting ta itcaUeB/acviaatlnBnl ooalaaoata ordor to rolaaao alraraft for toot night (tad* alraraft baa never flew la CoabeeUa).

laneet for the Ftcnc*acj hater,ll taa tootoaat tmraaa arrived froa Ocean. Tha aaxt) lteaa lloted oa the beater Iaventeryy rMtl/UTK era already preaered.

Shop oorvloo rooordo eadlag

input - nit.. Oat ret -alta, nrrVMPilX Snpport - nite Separablea/iW un hand - t*.

ow biipaalea ware added for ebop repair aadnonth. f

then hue lwiorpmiOBM/BIT training at Baapifc


Several olawrepeaelee ar* bolag note* aa dlffareat alreraft after their arrival froa eervlee at Tkal-ge. Bum itaat Paintcucnoa Ceatrel eatiniaii whereia all dopartaaata involved la eachtcae be notified to uerftra aaaaeeptanee cheek byhecklist applicable to oaoh type of alreraft. Tula nay net only help la taaate, hat aloe correct omen Cleerepenclee through feedback.


aodlfi cation af TBTo1 aad InotallaUon of PP.

aadlflcatloe of all in taatlon ciai1|in*at7 aircraft8

reend tolronnt loot len


Of Stoaoeta Total hra

hel anpeelty with our/ Jean, time jaas, eiateh tr.naai.aiena, eae cat ly of saw oeoopooetfo. Still ea the perdiag liet ere three ferklifta, eae whleh toe eerie*a headeetalUUon, while tee etbore ere tbe

txle beertag cd>ct*notanSsiUMna of hnba aafllens*tlent aaa la*a*l* Sei*ty bark

letoel lata*!



la oeed ef warkiag apacee* williedlaa. eerkUa: eendlUni la ktow that the _ ah hopo to have -retentive enrrn* fer allat It appear- eowMfal at tale tlaa.

Mans ferepplyla aalu aaa aaa will eae* fellow tha laaaial ef tbe am ae aaa BOBOcaaiatly the batlkaageed* aad abaaaar.

flea la ala*ead t*park pie* teeter froariel with sealvalaat to cyrlsaarc ef earl one la oa*.

Plea to renera all ccnlnenat which la foreOna aade. erigU aaalpaaat which la repair


roved toary predeaUre aaatk far ta* *mela* Wild-era ehep. 1of work eaaiaeaaaaU weraiirtj

aod eff-crte the overall aradeetlon coeai dar able.

m teaperarvVJ,h. enaplatlcn aTonr fin!et

baile-ap,ow involved la tho badlaVep af earheavelvod la the WUo-ap ofngine* waa aenci aar able, bat ataald paa la the fatore, ee *ar* exparleaoo le golaad ea theee type

agtaoerceraa la preereeeloc aneethly, with the aoarlB* aad prop iaaUllatlca eeapletod aa alreraft Ta*orre eeoriag ecapleUoa, aad aime available taa first af aext nonth.

nginss aorerea everhaal too first of tar tanner aad taa bar* been boild aa ef this date, ^rtnre belln-epe are aew anal tintaaeaablieareahrepair.

f-atere sat oprpootod to arriwe free ororWol watil let* neexta, Wrrmr, bo pro aataror* ray art aa oad to eata an* too lootaatelledJadoh io belar. laleeeederrlee.

to* BIO tool arlb anatale aaaatb,lnlted ibihiI ofstock wo* BOCaaTOd aod nanah* proper bine sad storage loootiooo. hoar araa* still iiipj,inant aad tha .reliable sir, joihi shsald h* Inato beadle th* aeVted worklaed, sarorlsas *bm andhly rapsrt*.


Ikriag too npiitlsgathafaellere tree* sr* la ee*adB4la*oreWre-edrlag aad taa third la proooatlrfor awaiiarta. Iaaplt*srlap emirhaaia halaf aasiaasd la this Bootloa, taarat*horaaha ia aaa**ensnared ta tha past arallability.

as isealseCait batterlee this aaath,ar* ^aaaad poealbly

ha raoalrod 3eltarnetere froa UI anker Fool, oaa aaa ln. Two ofltaraatvr* war* lataHed sad wo stillcan aara to a*a 0 aaap aad aahnUteal to BAT Sepply.

rackslsiB with aaa bettarlee. LAOU teak* war* praolded withar* sha**od Tw* oil tosho which mar* desOlaed for penpe bar* aea* lossied sadal*d, ill a* if aad pale ted,Tl ap Bag ppapj far last*-llatloa. Two aaoa roela war* loeallr fehrioated oad wore installed. Booe recla will be preoieoo ae alltrack* to pioioat aaaapa to the

Tbe aejar arable* la thla saatlsa la tea laaOapati rinfi of trook stated ia ay two protiecaooaaact eoaUUeaal aaobaaiea ha iiripatl to this Seetlea.

Sectlentolav prlaritj araa tbeajjk lbery losrlsa. If action ia not tihear fataro te ergnnia* this eeotiea aaaill aaoa be pooping AP3AS and

with faadllariratlaahe XAT taat they hare Tarlawa types of ipHisnat WQbtbbb. Aaarloea *ade npjlpaiad is a* arable* bat other feral palpaeat will take tlaa to get aaaillcr aa to their fwoetiens and sathod* Of repair.

To the past taa weeke, we hoTO oaoeun tared Banaeeleetrieal and laatrasnat, rcrtlsasg aircraft. Dee to the laaeaapaato saahar ef aaperisaoed aaaaWlca to thla perUealar alroraft, can. tent and ale**la highly Ml and. Tala Is the asaa ansa withD alreraft. look of proper training ead poor eaper Tielon eo tho part of th* offloar* la tea salaa thla area.

iring sank op woo collated within this Bonth los pita of tho llnltod men-power. ngine wiring reaarral is now in progrons.

Formall elassreon training Is being hmmdled by UP Training Center. Cn the Job Training (OJT)* aircraft tremble cheating io being eomamctedolly

problon being encountered in the shop is the Isngnage barrier. eonoot help of en Interpreter moat of tho tins te explain what has to be esse*.

Xmadooaate tooling aad special comlpaomt la another problon. Hopefully, the tools and special eonlpaant which wore veered la the poet will be made available aeon to aoke this esetiem procmcUra.

The pereeonel who wmre aesigned te the reapsctlTO eouadron* mast be returned to tho control of the chop. The eauadrens night lino recolremsnts should be bandiedolly nasiasis with shop as beoknp.

Training 3octlon

Daring tbo monthpt nshsr, i. near courses wore conducted neldo from tne as oonreoe in pregreen. These were Shop ahthmnatlco, Air Force Technical Orgar Spaton, nandtoolo and Aircraft Hardmere. The output Is rather lev gee to the United nanber of stmnnnts oTaUoble for emeh ssuree.

Tbo On The Job Training for thetudents una ecaplstsdoror nit,ar Radio. They ware released from the Training Sectioneeks ef iatameiTO OJT aad aaslgoed poreanantly with their rospectlTo oectlana.

Ae cecal, snglishre beingours dally, Mondays thru Prioays, bat etndent aanbera are gradually decreasing due to detail of eone to oat osuntry training.

The preparationooter Test Pile had been started with abouteat ommtlon duly edited and typed on question nrda. The pwrpcoo of thlo file le totandard tooting syeton and at the eons tine help the Instructors in as such they have wary limited capability In the preparation of good tent qaeoUono.

Training records ond reports were lllrowUe prepared after completion of so oh cenree. Aside fromist of etndent's names ore also enteredraining lag Bock for future rofereneeo la oaae soma records gat lent.

A Raster Schedule for training activities4 waa startedeptember. ist of courses for each ms Intern ore section, by priority, was subadttod by sack Advisor. The list was coo soli dated and will be scheduled for the neat year reflecting pertinent data each so InclaelTc dates, time of instruction, length of course, room member, etc.

Aeccow, Be. Of Student

Hours Type of Tralnlnx


8 1

CUseroon/OJT Claoauroon


Of Staeonrta. m Typeraining


adly im IM.ppanrltor and ilU. mmIm. lack of theae

ta the preparation at* reparta, training

e Is Tory law. ar, a* laatrastor aad been entailed for eat af oauatry training toselto af ta* aaoaiaLUoa af aaaf alraraft. *11 a* -onehcted aad a* laatraatar at trolalna-la pa laiatlp eoollllod ta teaogt Ihooo oohjoct*.

ara afel at act TreJ-lng r Taallaad laat

ro-od too dieeiplla. of aa. tortrUeicr* anattlo,ot aor.h-alre* aa* t* taa laxltp af eeae aaaaara af taa training

T*rjr often,eeenhetod lata, ha ansae *aaa laatraatar* detailed t* taaaa aa

i*rt arrlr. paantoaUyxpected. Tal* peer praatla* taor-abootin* of ta* aaaVor of bcere reoalredartala .abject.


1. T* flalafc tao procaratlaa af taa aiUr trainingtartdato4 aa eee* aa

2. Ta naailen.taa motor ant Ol*.

3* 5aS<rtill aa paaaa flag mpan ta* aap**UltyLarai to oapply eoocgh

Saaalr Sootlon

i-twity eootlnootigh poaa to all araaaapalp. aaaa. toflaxart* alaap otto taa atoakenry *ar*a* la raaltlac aad -oroi.arteg aaaUaaa.

Ta* atoak relocation affart,eap, tara propraarogreeelng noil oa4 tatter ttoa aopaotad at tk* aa start. Can* laaad aaraaal* will to placed on tha praaraa. tola aa Unat all tooling to oarabenne fir* ban tokan place,apaiaal fjtrantarp ahoald begin earing tk* aaxt JO dap* antaaa.

1 aaa- Chief Of topplp an* aoaloao, daring tha aaath althoag. aaa aad

ta thla type af aapalp aatlrltp, prorlaaa CCTO training to Snpplp Win, jawa this nan ooolgnciHi. InitialaroTthat hi lato aofpootlona aad to thorough to loTo.tla.tlo. ofthat to* boat available leenerehlp baa boon aaelgnod.

- to annarau* prabtoaa, booaaoa of prorloa. oe gleet,action.

to alia* far laoreoaad effteienep alll aantlnaa to be eatreealy atov an* to inexper-lcaaaal priiioH aad leak af etreng, en tto apot aanrlar.

.hortare. nrtlau to ealetx hi. imlduou inputto bo filled it* fairly abort lead tto**. acaha*aa

hareound dec to inauffulaat or aoaloby ustt,

i*vrrtom* nir niadi. hoary aritleal itoa* -ere not li -tad toxamir by any. ealalaanaei mm Im* tol*apparent.

landing an* fiaaijy ra*ct*ad to alto* for ^mtraal recaoadtleain*ooll*- aa wall no other anatiitllli, far aaick atttoalap aaa galayad far ecearal

rebleatonkand to* raaaltad la that efoonlatttcu caoaollotion., nf rep-lirdahnie* natoaeto aholfetooh and reealre* neat art-tea ef recalalttane IhUi avauahto lead tin*. darin- tto part anatbtpteed. thin bean eaan tto preerea lataneirely.

saabbmt of reperahle aarta for repair end retorn end Cmos return, toe greatly inprored with epecdler prooeoalng than ever tofere. periodicf repairable, to ebop areas far torn-la to anpplyeoeaaary frea lie* to tto* as up natotaaanae iwiimiiI eaa* to attach rery little parte.

uf heaenaartar* reeeatly aad far the firet ua* aeaaa to hereatera aipply preblena -ith toereaeed, to tha uarklag areas. it to fau that thoy now *r* utlllag to raaegala* that arch lane to exlat to tha extent

eaaaraaa ttoa* to th* peat. this internet to touered to he partially ea*ey jHpapj etiarp at hnaeannrtora atoap; with the eaa* chief of supply* prlnuy aaaeara is faeulttos eterega tof aetoriala aarlap eight aatp tow*.

entral seatjen

i aatad to tha hatotaaanea control aad alraraft toaarda the aaathent eat

< freacanlial

rnriap nil brief iran-for tp tolaataroet in

lepsmliit the eppecreaae ef tha efflee aa aau as the systea ef riltiltaanta coatrol praaaangae. hart far the tfaintnmaea control and aeeere* section toe boon locally aanmfactored. aircraft atatos haard* vera caaaaedara lap-rej. and oooclced circraft tofcrentloa. putof chtoot. and eaarall efflee were ia-erreag*d, additional lightingaa added in tho to poena section and aa air eonatluoaar waa toatoltodho office.

tho changeigiamit to tola aaeuoaip anralo booator to tto

control |iararibml. thoy mom te work harder oad hare ehoan renewed totoroit and wultognoo* to oo their ae-lgned job.

latoensalon with toe new paint onaaoo control of fleer ana nada regarding theaabjeatai

Ta rerlew taa er.aont staffing af taa Wat at aj to Central aaa leaords Sactlaa for proper utilisation of pcrecuoel.

Too moo of alroraft mark arc ledum sheets to all UP alraraft. It aaa eneiCBd by tha UPf Nalatcnaace aad taa aar latMaaaOM Caakrol Offlaar that oaaa aa tha UP Quality Central Sectionheir aae leant leu, tkcne aark snnOare sheets will ba haaaTTod by thalr aaoUoa.

Tha aaa of tha air Feraeerlea oa UP alreraft. biaeirt tha UP Training Carter to oaaa aaaaeen Iall eeoeoro. The eeureo aaa already beea written

Coanend callhla baa beea tbe najer preblaa ef tbe UT Maintenance Control Seetlea ererelaoa. Precaatly, we hare two bettery field tyroere tea, eae directly to UP aala awl tab beard aad the other to the a? hangar. To prlrlde ea efflalaot aod aeoorate alreraft statue,

adeeaate and rellahla1 cations between ehepa, aouadroac. Operation.

should bo loe tailed. aterooa would be Ideal eatU tha telephone ewltehboard io laprored to allow fall iiaaint eatlooe.

Farther dJooaoolna with the aow helateaaaoe Control Officer, It wee pointed out that the ayatea oftat en reap Control presently beta* ooed tart Odora. Thailand be etllisad in the UF. It la raooanoneed M

saT CTL Adrieorew dare fanillarlsatian trip to DKToor* for tali parpooe. Thla reneoet woo forwarded and new penning; approval by too higher echelon.

E.J. Orlffia


aaXffC Training Section



Cl fcOt


Original document.

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