Created: 6/3/1974

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MEMORANDUM FOR: Dr. Oswald H. Ganley


Executive Secretary, US-USSR Programs Secretariat Bureau of International Scientific and Technological

Affairs Department of State

: IIAGE Consents on

Or. Oswald H. Ganley Memorandum

Subject: MAGE Contents on Electromelal lUrgy, dated4

we trust that the Chairman of the Electrometallurgyis correct, that significant US technology is not likely to bethe Soviets through Individual commercial agreement withthe Interagency Intelligence Advisory Group on Exchangesin4 memorandum to the Departrent of State,the views of much of the US Intelligence Community (IC) that such

an eventuality was possible. Differences of opinion regarding US technological loss were discussed at the recent proceedings of the Intelligence Advisory 6roup on Exchanges, (IGE) an ad hoc committee of the United States Intelligence Boardlear resolution.

Me are pleased to note the great interest of the Working Group In weldable one percent nitrogen stainless steel, and trust the US intelligenceneeds will be given full consideration, should the Groupample of this material during their visit to the

The IIAGE was misinformed concerning the relationship of theGroup to the National Science Foundationut we are grateful for the Executive Secretariat's offer to provide working group and project reports to the US Intelligence Community.

The IIAGE did not intend that the subject areas outlined in Its

64 memo rand inr be construed as "Intelligence Collection Requirements" by either the Secretariat or individual scientists of the Electrometallurgy Group. These subject areas were suggested as aids and as legitimate areas of concern for the Working Group. They were provided by the US Intelligence Conrnunity, through the Department of State, as directed by,




"Advise the Soviet and East European Exchanges Staff, Department of State, on all intelligence aspects related to exchanges, exclusive of internal security; assess the probable net advantages from an intelligence standpoint, considering both intelligence and technological gains or losses; and make recommendations on itineraries and other details necessary for effective intelligence exploitation In line with the Priority National Intelligence

5. We are pleased that the IIAGE memorandum of4 to the Department of State provided support for the Working Group Chairman, and we shall endeavor to continue such supportll future requests levied by the Department of State In such matters.

Deputy Chairman Ad Hoc Intelligence Advisory Group on Exchanges (IGE)



. Programs Secretariat



Deputy cnairman

Ad Hoc Intelligence Advisory Group on Exchanges*

SUBJECT i GE Comments on Electrometallurgy

I. arch4

Tho Working Group Chairman of the Electrometallurgy Group maintains informal contacts and liaison with American industry. He doos not believe it to bo likely that significant US technology will be lost to the Soviets through that channel.

The US Working Group has great interestoidable ono porccnt nitrogen stainless steel as described in your nomorandura. The US Group hopes toample and will prossuro the Sovlots actively.

ecommends that tho National Science) Foundation issue periodic detailed reports on the number of aspects of electromotallurgy of particularo tho intelligence community. Exceptillingness to fund in the future parta of tha electrometallurgySF is not involved in this program.

Tho Executive Secretariat will be pleased to continue to provide IGE and others on reguest with working group and project reports as thoy may bucorro available, and ouch other information as may become available in tho natural course of cooperation with the Soviets in this field. The Executive Secretariat and tho working groups.



tG&lDt'" CF



however, are not in the business of intelligence collection, and requirements of this nature should not be levied against the Secretariat and the scientists involved.

II. 4

The Working Group Chairman appreciates thehis memorandum of Much of the

in this memorandum is in line with the Working Group's thoughts. The Working Group will keep the comments in mind as it proceeds.

Oswald H. Ganley Executive Secretary






Sol Polansky

Acting Director, Office of Soviet and

Eastern European Exchanges Department of State


Raymond Pardon

Electrometallurgy Topic of tho US-USSR Cooperative Agreement in science and Technology

Memo,atedama Subject

memorandum will supplement the previous guidancetho referent to tho Us electrometallurgy delegation. Theitinerary ln the US appears satisfactory. However, sincevisit has not yet occurredomprehensive report on thethe US delegation to the USSR is not available, we cannot provide

an objective assessment of US and soviet technological gains from the reciprocal visits.


The US delegation's suggestion that the exchange include the evaluation of the enginoering properties of electrometallurglcal products is excellent. This coulduch rore neaninqful exchange*if the Soviets are induced to provide adequate materials characterizationshistories.

Tho US could gainit from the improved recyclina of oxpensive scrap metals. Tho Soviets have used PAR furnaces and powder metallurgy processing to*handle different types of titanium scrap. He should investigate other Soviet materials recyclina processespotential US applications.

Acting Chairman Interagency Intelligence Advisory Group on Exchanges



. O5



Sol Polanaky

Acting Director, Office of soviet end

Eastern European Exchanges Dopartnent of State


Hr. Raymond Pardon

, Electrooetallurcp/ Topic of the US-OSSR Cooperative Agroeoant in Scionco and Technology

i Antonov letter to Prosnisel ofranonitting Soviet Draft Work Programs

ia the opinion of the rarabere of the IIACE that theCooperative Agroowont with the urSR le developing quitefeelS working Croup isto get ai nuciitlte Soviets as the fovlete will receiveheir USwo ere concerned about USegreewtntapurview of tie VZ working groups. Vhroagh such channolainniricant anount of Information.


Ono of the rost intrlguiog soviet clalns ia their productionoltlaule one rorcont nltrtxiee otalnleseith reaiatasoe to oorroelon, high toughness and strength levelsnd JSO'j-al.nr, the only sarnie obtained by the US haa lesa than one half cent nitrogen, and t'.va Soviets have boon Inquiring roccntly about how boat to heat troat and weld thie material,

We rocoiremd tliat the national Eclonco Foundation Issue por iodic detailed re porta. Incorporating the observations and Iw/ireasions of the

uor^lna groin rcr.nm and other L'5 scientists >Involved in the vor-lni group visits, wo hope that sucii reports, and the US working group in its future negotlationa would addreea, oTiong othor interests, the following areasi

SUBJECT! Electrometallurgy Toplo of tba OS-USSR Cooperative Agreenont ln Sclanoo and Technology

effect on hardware development of the largein welding bad and education.

we can expect in future welding/joining Exact composition of ESR fluxes for titanluB.

of plasma guns for PAR compared to US (Linda)Japanese guns.

of plasma welding and malting technology atto IKS.

Acting Chairman Interagency Intelligence Advisory Group on Exchanges

Original document.

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