Created: 1/7/1975

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Situation Report on

International Terrorism


SatJet 11


sSotces or

otice Sensitiveend Merr.ods Involved


Tkaot for oonoralay not bo reproduced or ivJuoed In any other dq^mim or publko-fion. noraurc* ofc" indodei Information received thflflgn cioio ol buiinm ci tne aay preceding ihe cloieBJf luuonce.

Information for ihU piretlfflKn ii bared on contribution! from cerloln agenciei^fSRrented on thef ih- Cabinet Cw^K, to Carrot Terroriim TheGroup*f represent otirei from tho Da-pertmonti. Justice,d Treoioryj ibdBSocneitk CocxJ Stotf; in* reccralcftho NatiooclfficejdWlar.ogerneri andthe UnitedioodBTtho United Natlam ond the Central Intelligence


i^"ruiL1 AH;





Attempted Hijack in London by an Unknown Gunman (Page 1)

U.S. Ambassador May Have Been Target of Nicaraguan Terrorists (Page 3)

Japanese.Red Army Tics to Fedayeen Weakened; Status of

Hague Terrorists (Page


Tuparaaro National Convention Moved from Havana to Buenos Aires (Page 7)

Air India Hijacker Remains in Italian Custody (Page 7)

Rumored International Terrorist Conference in Toronto (Page 7)

hronology of Significant International Terrorist Acts

CHART: Incidence of Significant InternationalActs as Listed in Weekly Situation)




Ng Foreigno^fJTim Ab'ood; Cooi'oiled

errorist Threats and Plans

CHARTS: Incidence of New Threats of Terrorist Activity in Weekly Situation4 Total (Page Bl)

U.S. Targets Worldwideegional Totals (See first pages ofI below)

I. Terrorist Threats and Plans: Western Hemisphere Including United States

II. Terrorist Threats and Plans: Europe

III. Terrorist Threats and Plans: Middle East

IV. Terrorist Threats and Plans: Africa

V. Terrorist Threats and Plans: Far East

VI. Terrorist Threats and Plans: Worldwide

otential Terrorist Targets in. and Abroad

NO ForMn em *br;ad.'Diiwm



Attempted Hijack in London by an Unknown Gunman

A lone gunman, wearing an Arab headdress and armedunand grenade,ritish Airwayshen it landed at London's Heathrow Airport on an internal flight from Manchesteranuary. After theassengers had disembarked, the hijackertewardess hostage arrd demanded to be flown to Paris. rew of five--pilot, copilot steward and two stewardesseswas still on board. The plane was rofucledonger-range Trident jet was prepared in case the gunman wanted to go to the Middle East, but heon remaining aboard the plane he had arrived on.

According to later news reports, the man0arachute and threatened to blow up the plane unless his demands were met. The French government announced that it would refuse the plane permission to land in France. Guns were issued to the normally unarmed airport police who surrounded the aircraft with vehicles and tried to talk the hijacker into surrendering. The pilot warned that thelooked mentally unstable. Several passengers, who did not realize the plane was being hijacked until it landed, said the gurcaan was in hiswore dark glasses andcar on his chin. There was no immediate indication of his nationality.

Comment: The modus operandi of this hijacking attempt does not correspond with hijackings mounted by fedayeen The Popular Front for the Liberation of Oman, which has never engaged in international terrorism, reportedly planned toritish aircraftlane carryingpassengers in early January. (See theecember issue, There is no indication, however, that this hijacker is connected with the PFLO. r



b.oooV Controlled DhMffl

U.S. Ambassador May Have Been Target of Nicaraguan Terrorists

snore infornationH it is increasingly apparent. Ambassador Shelton wasarget of the Sandinist NationalFront (rSLN) group who forcibly seized the home of

Minister of Agriculture onecember.reports on this aspect, however.

. Further, . a!-. oa the


scene theorize that the presence of Shelton's four armed guards may haveeterent.

P. m

Ineclaration published by the FSLN onecember seems to indicate that the original purpose of the operation was to seize diplomats. Since news of Castillo's party in honor of Ambassador Shelton was publicizedocal paper five days earlier, the party would have presented the terroristsonvenient target of opportunity. anuary Agence France Presse dispatch from Havana quotes an FSLN leader in Cuba as saying Shelton "escaped us because he wasnd the FSLN still hopes to capture hia. (SECRJ^NOJf DISSEM)

No ForeignAb-ood/Conrrolled Dine-

NoDiinm/Ne IBinD

Japanese Red Amy Ties to Fedayeen Weakened; Status of Hague Terrorists

tne flu does not maintain close ties with the Japanese Red Army (JRA). mlHmmmVBLmmml PLO

leaders do not understand the JRA's concept of simultaneous NJ worldwide revolution and instead are concerned withd.I') their homeland from the Israelis. They welcome outsideif it is related to this objective and is under theof the PLO leadership. however,

[tne Popular Front for the Liberatiot Palestine{PFLP) no longer supports the JRA. (Comment:referring to then which three JRA terrorists, apparently acting without .ugk the concurrence of the PFLP, seized the French Ambassador in VVjln) The Hague in order to secure the release of an imprisonedade (see the issue ofeptember).

.eader bhigenobu Fusako and the younger sister of Okamoto Kozo are currently living in Beirut. (Okamoto Kozo, the only surviving terrorist froa the2 Lod Airport attack, is currently in prison in Israel.)

The Japanese Ambassador in Damascus informedhat the four JRA terrorists who seized the French Embassy in The Hague are still under detention at the same military camp where they were taken upon their arrival in Damascus. . Embassy speculated that the Syrian government is anxious to expel the four men, but has not found another government willing to receive them. The Embassy also commented that Syria has not yet returned to the Dutch0 ransom paid to the terrorists.



Foreign Oiiiem/No DtWfmDimm

i^mUm Al



Tupamaro National Convention Moved From Havana to Buenos Aires

A reliable source reports that the third nationalof the Uruguayan Tupamaros will be held inS in Buenos Aires, instead of Havana as previously believed. The Cuban government does not wish to give additional anaunition to unfriendly Latin American governments before the March meeting of the Hemisphere Foreign Ministers in Buenos Aires. The national convention will consider the future orientation of the Tupamaros and is expected to result in increased emphasis on political activity. At the present time, according to the above source, someupamaro leaders are living in Havana and form the single most important and influential Tupamaro group in exile. SEM)

Air India Hijacker Remains in Italian Custody

Italian authorities believe that Jocef Homola (previously reported ashe Canadian citizen who hijacked an Air India jetliner onecember, is mentally ill, according to. Embassy in Rome. (See the issue ofonola was delirious and appeared to be having hallucinations when he was taken into custody following the hijacking. he was imprisoned rather than hospitalized.


actually took place.

NoNo-fMm Abroad/Compiled On.*

Homola has been officially charged with kidnapping, pos session of arms, and the importation of counterfeit Canadian currency. His case is being handledelfare and d. tion problem by the Canadian Embassy in Rome. FJH1

No For*ion Dittem/N


Abroad/Controlled Dwem



Place: South Africa, Johannesburg

Parcel BombA bomb concealedook exploded in the Johannesburg post office, injuring an employee. It was addressedamily of Jewish origin, according to the police. Police have not said where the parcel was posted. (UNCLASSIFIED)


5 Syria, Damascus

Egyptian and Jordanian EmbassiesBombed. Bombs exploded in the Egyptian and Jordanian embassies in Damascus, severely damaging the Jordanian offices. The bomb at the Egyptian Embassy was apparently placedoor and caused damage primarily to windows and doors. Judging from the damage, the bombs appear to have been similar in size to those used in previous bombings. installations in Syria. Selection of these two Arab embassies and ofanuary date, which coincided with the opening of the Quadripartite Conference in Cairo, suggests these bombings may have been perpetrated by the Palestinian "Rejection Front" with possible Iraqi backing, according to. Embassy. It is also possible that they were the work of the so-called Arab Communist Organization,that group usually has publicly acknowledged its bombings. (CONEaJpNTIAL)

Foreign Orttem/N



No foreign Dim MsAbrood/Conl'olivd


Place: England,

Heathrow Airport

British Airways

An armed man in anritish Airways jetliner as it landed at Heathrow Airport and said he would blow it up withand five crew members unless he could take off for Paris0arachute. It is unclear whether the man was acting from personal or political motives. He apparently has no accomplices. (See (UNCLASSIFIED)


fJa Foicifl"QfVrn Ab-ood/Cont'olUd Omen

No Foreign Otuam/No


I. Terrorist Threats and Plans: Western Hemisphere, Including the United States




United States, Fort Worth


revolutionary Mexican group known as The Cabanas isto break. armory in Fort Worth, Texas, to steal rifles. (Seeecember issue,UNCLASSIFIED)



Lebanese Installations

United States, New York


memDer ox irgunormer Israeli terrorist organization) who,threatened that all Lebanesein New York would be wrecked. (Seeecember^ issue, (CONpP-


Place: United States, West Coast New York.

he Jewish Defense League received an anonymouscall warning that two prominent Jews would beon the West Coast and in New York or, according to an FBI report. The caller hinted that the PLO was involved in the threat. He claimed

ew threat reported for the firstevisionhreat reported in previous issues

Mo Foreign Dtuem/Noj^Hnnilttem

So Foreignled Dinnm

to be calling on behalf of certain organizations which he refused to identify. (UNCLASSIFIED)


Unidentified terrorists may kidnap or assassinate apersonality at the Grand Prix of Argentinaforanuary. (SeeecembgJ issue,CONI^^NTIAL)




Argentina, Buenos Aires


The director of USIS in Buenos Aires may be the target of terrorist action, accordingaid-December Embassy report. An unidentified womanackage was chased away from the director's garageecember. She ranar in which companions were waiting. The federal police speculated that the woman might have been trying to place an explosive device. Security has been increased at the residence.L)

Nom -

No Portion Dimm/No qJIm Abroad/Controlled

. Nicaragua,

The Sandinist NationalFront (FSLN) is planning to kidnap. Ambassador to Nicaragua and presently has him underress report from Cuba, of unknown reliability. (Comment: The FSLN recently negotiated S: million ransom, the release ofuerrdllas,light to Cuba inforrisoners they held. SeeUNCLASSIFIED)


No Foioig" Dttttm/No^riRtnl Abroad/Controlled Diii*r

No Foreign Di.vom/No-fKm Abrood/Controlled 0;

Terrorist Threats and Plans: Europe


Possibly Jewish Emigre Center

Place: Austria, Vienna

Salah Khalaf, head of the bso, is planning toeries of internationaloperations. The first incident reportedly will be an explosion in Vienna,us, to protest continued Austrian assistance to Soviet Jewish emigres. (Seeecember issue,, (SECRETjdp)E


ndwiMENT or

Place: Date:


Turkey Current



The Turkish People's Liberation Army has been planning toU.S. personnel andin Turkey in order to secure the release ofcomrades, according to an Air Force report. This threat may have beenthough, by the recent arrest of several TPLA members. (See Articles.) (conbj^NTIAL/


El Al Aircraft

Israeli Western

PFLP chief George Habbashdirected the PFLP to focus its attention ontargets in Western Europe, and mentioned the need toan El Al aircraft and assassinate Israeli diplomats. (Seeecember issue, page CSJflAT/NO FOREIGN DISSEM/NOjajpBcM ABROAD/CON-TROLLED

No Foreign Diirem/NoJHp Abrood/Coni-olkd Diirem

No rnroiyn Dmem/No


Terrorist Threats and Pi

Middle East



Possibly Israel Unspecified

PLO will attempt to secure the release of Archbishop Ca-pucci by diplomaticthrough Saudi Arabia and. If suchfail, the PLO plans to resort to dramatic violent means to secure Capucci's (Seeecember issue, ism ET/N( fig] EIGNILJiJEEM ABPsWtf CONTRO^ED DIS^W)

Jordanian Mini stries

British Embassy

Place: Jordan, Amman

Date: Current

Fatah may be preparingto be carried outand the Westweapons brought inostensiblyfrom the Hajj Targets includeministries ofAffairs andthe British Embassy (Seeecember FOi^jjfcGN DISSEM) ^


Place: Lebanon, Beirut

The PFLP is planning anagainst. Embassy in Beirut using rocket-firing devices fittedar. An alternate plan is to. diplomats or their (Seeecember issue, (SE-CRET/NQ^DREIGN DISSpfc/NOj*FLLED DIS-

foreign Oittem/No^^Kem Abroad/Controlled Oiitem


No foreignobroad/Controlled DJ.rem

V. Terrorist Threats and Plans: Far East

USIS Taiwan,

An unidentified malespeaker telephoned the USIS switchboard operator in Taipei and warned that his friend was going toime bomb there. Nowere foundearch of the building, but security has been increased in case someone mayomb there. L)

No foreign. No SLtWS" Abrood/Controlled Dme<-

No Foreigno



Thisist of persons and events, arranged chronologically, which might attract terrorist attack. The following symbols are used when applicable: Reported for the firstevision of report in previous issue.

Israeli Foreign Minister

Place: United States,



sraeli Foreign Minister Yigal Allon will visit, among other cities the week beginninganuary. State Department hascustody. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Target: i Place:


t Date:

U.S. Diplomatic Community

Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Asmara


he political situation in Ethiopia is deteriorating and thererowing anti-American mood,umber of minor harassment incidents reported and the anticipation of more attacks. citizens as the situation worsens^^H

the insurgent fighting around Asmara, while not directed. citizens, could result into them coincidentally. (SE-*tr/N0 FORSjM^DISSEM)


Various Latin

American Countries

Place: United States

arious Latin Americanthat favor lifting sanctions against ordiplomatic relations with Cuba continue to be possible targets for terrorist acts by^nti-Castro groups. (CONFJjPrriAL]


Foreign Dim'


No Foreign Da rem/No

lad Oiu


Date :


Uruguay, Montevideo


U.S. Embassy personnel in Uruguay could become theof terrorists because of internal conflicts between the military and extremists resulting from theof the Uruguayan military attache ln Paris. The Embassy has increased its security

precautions. (CONI


No Foreign Diirem/NqafMeni Qm

NoDUMm/NojAfpSm Aferood/Cont-oliod

Distribution: Ambassador Lewis B. Hoffacker

Special Assistant to the Secretary Department of State

General Benjaminavis, Jr.

Assistant Secretary for Safety and Consumer

Affairs Department of Transportation

Mr. Robert F. Ellsworth Assistant Secretary of Defense International Security Affairs

Mr. James M. Frey

Deputy Associate Director for International Affairs

Office of Management and Budget

Colonel Richard T. Kennedy National Security Council Staff

Mr. David R. Macdonald

Assistant Secretary of Treasury for

Enforcement, Tariff and Trade Affairs,

and Operations

Mr. Kevin T. Maroney

Deputy Assistant Attorney General

Department of Justice

Mr. Herbert K. Reis Legal Advisor

United States Mission to the United Nations Mr. Geoff C. Shepard

Associate Director of the Domestic Council Mr. W. Raymond Wannall

Assistant Director Intelligence Division Federal Bureau of Investigation

Original document.

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