Created: 9/10/1975

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Phlloi Church Again Blaets Regime,


Chilean Catholic Church hao takentep toward open crltlcian of the junta, this weeka document Implying strongthe government's human righta atand. Inlaat month, church leaders hintedwere becoming Impatient with the lock ofcurbing the more flagrant abuses) bykHRJ^|

Although the governaent apparently la not taken to task directly in the document drafted by the bishops, it la clear that the regime is the unspoken target. The atatement emphasizes that there will not be any real peace in Chile until its citizens enjoy "the right to physical and moral integrity.1' In their toughest language yet, the church leaders state their conviction that man "cannot bo subjected to physical torture,or terror, either by way of punishment or to force him to say what he is not willing to say in order to harm himself or others." Implicit in the statement is the church's concern over the security forces' continued practice; of ignoring existing legal safeguards against arbitrary detention and torture.

The government'a social and economic policies also come under fire, particularly the reduction In public eervlceti and the suffering of the needyeault of current austerity policies. The church has consistently taken issue with the government over the failure to institute measures to Improve the well-being of the lower claases.

I In other portions of the document, the churchits belief in the right "to study" and "toObvious references to the widespread purge In the universities evidently being undertaken by the

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government. Tho recognition that eorae aectora have lost their rights,umber of national loaders have boon "dispersed or acared.'and that alavoat all possibilities of dialog have been cloaedlear indictment of official treatment of the "receaaod" opposition parties, especially the Christian Democratic Party (PDC). POC leaders have privately voiced the aame criticisms.

While the church acknowledges the service rendered by the armed forces in freeing the country from Marxist dlotatorahlp, it warn* Chilean leadora not to "create now obstacles by making mistakes which night turn ou-to be irreparable." The atrong tone of the bishops* statement is probably intended to pressure theto taxa sceve positive action to remedy its "errors. President Pinochet is reportedly planning to announce somo liberalization meaauresajor addrese on tho Septembernniversary of tho coup, and church leaders evidently hope their plea will be heeded. Thewill undoubtedly flinch at the lateat blast from tho church hierarchy, but It will probably try toIts differences without resort to polemics.


Original document.

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