Created: 11/24/1975

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National Intelligence Bulletin

National intelligence


Wt cannot confirm recant press reports that Soviat miliary advisers hsvs been acmrwi In the fkjhtmg in Angola, but me Sown dsariy are becoming more mvotvtd In tha cnrilhe fomur Portuguese colony.

ews relesM from Lusaka. Zambia, onhe National Union cUlmed It had captured some Soviets, Cubans.ongotee.razilian mauiwy. The cap oj red foreigners were aikl to hM been supporting Popular Movement forces defending ths kay northtn reapply city ot Malanje. National Front and National Union forces were reported to have taken the city from the Popular Movement Ust week, despite the latter'! recent assertion thai it retains control there.

oviat military advisert ware believed to be assisting Popular Movement forces In the Luanda area at the time of Independence onheir role probably Included training Popular Movement troops in the ust of modem weapons, giving advice on tactics and strategy against rival groups, end supervising the delivery, assembly, and maintenance of tha large amount of Soviet weapons received just before independence.

Another group of Soviet technicians In Bnuievifle and Point Noire. Congo,servicing weapons bound for Popular Movement forces in may now total

hould the Popular Movement already have, or toon possess, MIG aircraft, the number of Soviet military personnel in Angola may rise to. The Movement now has an Inventory of Soviet equipment that includes unknown numbers of armored care, armored personnel carriers, tanks, multiple rocket launchers, light field artillery, heavy mortars, and SA7 defensive missiles. In addition,ubans are assisting tha Popular Movement

Losses by tht Popular Movement to Its rivals during the past month underscore tht necessity foe urgent resupply of Soviet equipment Tha active communist presence and Involvement In Angola ara likely to accelereo) as Moscow and Havana seek to secure for tht Popularor trolling voka In tht future of tht former Portuguese territory,>iQT0nH)

Original document.

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