Created: 7/19/1976

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another public relations tactic, but itsmembers couldoderating effect on the policiss of the military government.

As another demonstration of its good intentions, thelans io promulgate lour constitutional acts laying out the foundation for the "new democracy" envisioned by the Junta. They will probably be announced on Septemberthird anniversary of the junta's assumption of power. The draftingew constitution has been under way for almost three years but no date has been set for its completion.

The four acts which will be an integral part of the new constitution deal with the following subjectst

escription of the nature of the rogime, stressing the unitary character of the state and the principles of nationalism, humanism, and Christianity. It will also Include the principle ofjunta's view that the state exists to serve man, and not the contrary.

escription of the privileges of Chilean nationality and the means of achieving or losing it.

Authority Duringodification of rules regarding authorization of the state of siege and guidelines for the guarantee of habeas corpus (arcparo) to individuals.

uman Righta) ompilation ofrticles on human rights and the duties of citizens. This section, promised by Pinochet during the OAShas been billed as "one of the most advanced juridical Instruments in modern history."

Original document.

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