Trace Request from Office of Public Affairs on Rev. James Jones
1. On requesting Rev. James
.iiiairs on
an Office of request in September as Subject.
name check positively identified
all from traces for the Office of Pudiix ones of Guyana fame. He said that Security trace had0araes Warren Jones,
wite was accompanying MR!.
2. Weicroficheource jacket on Subjectnothing more than the Office of Security fi,c only of the name check request froathe OS response consisting of passport into, 0
form closing the case because of no interest in Subject.nothing in the file to indicate that there had ever beencontact with Subject. alled
Chicago offices and asked then to check tneir tiles torSubject. had copies of the name check request
and the case closure, but nothing else.
related the above info to Agencytatenent for release
3. alled him- He said the
tomorrow denying any Agency contact with the Rev. Jones. This statement is in response to allegations in the press re Agency contact involvement with Jones.
Original document.
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