Created: 8/25/1979

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Rights Case

'death'hilean professor following his interrogation^by (the state securityas prompted both the Icourts and the Interior Minister|to orderThis, the most serious human rights violation in Chile this year,evere relapse in Chile's! efforts to improve its human rights record and will further damage the reputation of the|securityhe predecessor of which was involved in the Letelier assassination in Washington. The highly publicized case comes on the eve of the Chilean Supreme Court's! ruling' bri the US extradition request for former security;chief, Contreras in connection with his agency's involvement with Ithe Leteiier assassination. It also follows) Argentina's low-key reopening of itsof possible Chilean security agency involvement in the assassination4 of Chilean ex-General Prats inhe professor's death could be thethat finally compels the government or the courts to move: to curb the excesses of the security forces.

Original document.

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