Created: 4/10/1980

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible

National Intelligence Daily


The Japanese Government: decided yesterday to hold its exports to Iran at present levels and to keep oil importsimitarrels per day. Japan's exports to Iran had been increasing and by February had reached roughlyercent of the pro-revolutionary level Oil imports have been running well ahead of the limit, but Japanese officials stated previously that future deliveries of crude would be tapering off.

The sanctions also call for the pace of construction to slow at the joint petrochemical plant and Japanese commercial banks to refuse new deposits by Iran. said they would monitor moves by US and European countries before taking any further actions. (U)

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EC-IRANi Call for Common Policy

The EC Fcreign Hinietera utll use the Council of Europe minie-ierial meeting in Liebon today to dieeuee informally the US request for breaking diploratie relatione vith Iran and imposing sanctions.

Although the EC states have expressed sympathy with the US position and generally support the new US actions, they are reluctant to commit themselves to similar steps. In insisting on the needommon EC stance onactions againstposition taken by the UK, West Germany, and the smaller ECCommunity mem1 >rs nay be seeking to avoid being blamed individually if they do not take the actions the US seeks.

EC members in the past have doubted theof sanctions, and France, the UK, and Denmark have questioned their legality. On the issue of severing diplomatic relations, Belgium has noted that tho Nine would find it easier to withdraw their ambassadors from Tehran than to effect an actual break. The UK believes that it would be unwise to cut all Western ties with Iran, while Bonn fears retaliation against German nationals there.

The talks today probably will be inconclusive with further discussions taking place at the EC Foreignmeeting onndormal ECis unlikely before the heads of state meet in

Brussels, probably at the end of the month.

Original document.

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