Created: 4/1/1980

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible

National Intelligence Daily




A Tehran newspaper has publiehed an adv^im copypaeoh bn Ayatollah Khomeini eoheduled to be read later today in uiiish Khomeini reaffirm that the National Aoocnbly will decide the fate of the hoetageea not addreee the ioeua of tranaferriiiQ control of the hoetagee to the Revolutionary Council.

In tho opooch Khomeini said noithor excuses for post errorsonfession of guilt by tho US will "bo of any avail." He called for unity in overcoming the US. Moreover,tatement to Iranian juristsKhomeini appeared to take an uncompromisingon the hostages. He said that previous US threats were only verbal and urged, "Do not bo afraid of words for these words are not followed by action."

Rumors have been circulating in Tehran that tho Revolutionary Council has decided to have tho hostagos transferred to government custody. President Bani-Sadr,ull session of the Revolutionary Council, met last night with three leaders of the militants. After tho meeting, one of the militants said, "Bani-Sadr will make the announcementut he gave no indication what the announcement would be. The President is scheduled toass rally today commemorating tho first anniversary of the Islamic Republic.

lear statement from Ayatollah Khomeiniransfer of the hostages, hardliners on the Council and the militants themselves would likely attempt to prevent the move.

RAB STATESi Pan-Arab Charter Propoaal

Iraqi Proeident Saddam /today*'a planawmit moating to implement hie Pan-Arab aharttt* proposal have eialled, [

Baghdad announced In early Marchalostino Liboratlon Organization had agreeda summit. The Iraqis, however, havo not beenpersuade theeven members of the Arab League South Yemen, Oman, Somalia, and Syriahave resisted Iraqi demarches on thoweald ban .ill foreign military basea orArab territory. | |

Original document.

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