Created: 7/18/1980

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible

POLAND: Unrest in Lublin

Widespread Ichor unrest in Ltbiin yesterday, triggeredexnmtc grisvencee, appears to be the nosz serious in Poland lino* km: px^oe increasesZ# lederiee of strikes.

Theby railroad workers blocking the tracks with theirthe calm that prevailed in Poland for several days. Strikes were reported in many plants in the city, and military vehicles are said to*be delivering food to stores and hospitals. flBfr

Demands for wage increases apparently are fueling the protests. umber of other grievances, ranging from frustration over meat and other food shortages.to complaints over specific working conditions, also are' contributing to the recurring unrest throughout the country.

In an apparent hint that continued disorder could provoke Soviet military intervention, party chief Gierek yesterday said that "lack of discipline" was endangering the country, e

The regime's stance since the initial Strikes in -early July has generally been conciliatory. Although the meat priceno longer seem to be an important contributor to the lalrornot rescinded, the regime has granted wage increases, averagingercent, to at least some striking workers


Original document.

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