Created: 7/17/1995

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Theg.wtcTO*Posr Momuv.Jml7 iotx fi(

FBI Frustrated by Fugitive

Victims'Families Press Case of Killings Outside CIA Headquarters



For now. Mir Aima] KjdB is the fngirjve Mtgt be

More than two rears ana he ai-lesediy opened fire oo imran-pect--ng OA eaaakwocsheir cantopbiat oatsade CIA headqnaneri. killing two aad wocDdBt throe. fUos hxs becamei painful reminder of thef i. thepwCToarM't capab&ry to

montu aro, the agency added Kan-li to itsoil Wanted Uai. Agesu haw dWnboceo thousand*

of bnfht-red rnatdsbcoks in Pakistan, wiih Kanu'i photo and the wordoW letters on the cover.ami cage an the Internet.

he Internet entry reads. "Ona Aimal Kansi murdered two persons andnjured three others. He attacked without wrong or provocata-a. sboouag hisssault riBe into cars waningi you haveabout Kama, contact the. embassy or consulate. In the US.

Bat thehunt to capture Kansi has bonged down recently overmong tbe FBI. the Stale Department and tbe OS. Embassy Uiihoot bow best to proceed.

The FBI has found that compfcR tribal custom* of toutsftestern Pikujan. whereamily lives,cirnudable barncf to IW capture. Kansiative oforder region ihal bes lai-gety beyond the wnt ofentral government.nhabited by tribes and darn Urn adhereode of justice based on an eye foraa eye. apboidfag enbal bonce and couectivel* defendmg the lanutr. Local, and even fedenl. nobeenacn often are tribesmen more interested in protecting than

il terrorist in today's unsettled

FBI agents bur aeotrred the re-rnote. dangerouj area Pakistan where they sayeting, lotne-omea duguoHg hutneff in woo em'twice tbeyto *et naps for htm; twta they earn* back emrxy-handed.

ml enough to boatua wbo does not want to be foand. But tbe Kama case rs further cooipacaud by menial Pakistani potties, by tbe State Deparraoeor's concern that in all-out effortoukt lead to retain Hon ignast Amencan diplomaticand by tne powable ranufica-bora of Kama's arrest on shaky US.-Pak*uani relations.

Kansi'i fasair badt-jound is more lancied rwn than that. The Kama tnbe brsongs to the rrunonty Pashtunho spread into neighbonng Afghanistan, where tbey are tbe ini-anry ethruc group- Kansas musestate latady cornea from around the provincial capital of Quelu. where it own* an enure downtown block, two hotdi. ordure* outside the are and other Upinesses.riore Kansi came to the Unitedrs lather died, ud KamiQ0O0 in ash and real estate.

Al thfl gives Kama an advantage that Youscf lacked tfi eludmf!ouicf has relauvet ul Pakiatan. but he" grew up in Kuwait and hrs family originally came from Iran. "Kanu's famaV and tnbe rs large, powerful and m-

Hot oervone brieves thai the FBI. the leadheoomould to ret its man. Tbe famAea of ihe vrctims have mounted ato draw sore attenooo to fan. senator in their cause and poraont out that if US.conk) bif rcauii aO tbeto track down another fugitive insuspectedra-ad cf th* World Trade Castes bom-aog. Rants Abaaed Yooaef-tbro tbey ougffl to be able to tattdl KuuiuwclL

j i and h>

DuentuIthat pan cfuetli-Tousd never bad that kind off

?ecreolficuL roots and home base.

T*needs the bdo of Paki-


oni understand why tbey can'tnd get rhuad Judy Beekcr-OariinB, whose aoa> baod wu one of two CIA ejnptoy-eca tbot to death thathey got Yowei.*

Theies' fruatritioaby that at the FBI 6eWm SouUiwm ffaabrtftoau, the mtvc center fori.


!WtA mananar ana ana at onw auto* at aouuioc OAn Lanpey Fran*nd lammg m.om OAmm Three ccnen are ienouVf- injured

- AMulistinln Huston, flees Ine Uoned Stairs snd arums lo hn rom*erU.akistan

harged with the inootinekui uind othermdence oo>nong toimvtvnrni it found In his JWtment.

atmi Ahmed Yousc'. suspected c( ourtiing the DomO duk oetorutrd at the Work) T'aoerrested in Islamabad.olleague ibo alertedut*o hneaeooB. BDOarentiyto2 rorflton tiwfl efffrtd By -hrUS. tevemme/X

louse* aertaoMtd to tf* United States tor nurim New Tom.

m The FBI places Kans. on itsost


en. Arttn Soectefhairman ol Iht Senateurges tVendent Chnton loami as inmanorial terrorist"0 reward (orfcarj-ng to unarrest toiluon- He also wntes Pakistani Pnmtanr Bhuttos haW

JL the FBI informunht attack outs-d* CA heaoouarten was "aneironsm"

aI re Slate Otoanmenttatementa iZ mllon rewaro. but does not tw it

taaclL IMS: Judy Btcfcerflarbnc. widow ol FrankrJorrneO Oy tha Stale Oeoaiment that the stattmerg una not be released anaassive

moaifn run DeenoetinitelY" Que to the oevnorauri( sccunty vtuauon m

^fi IX:r Pitowan and


thereto me lives ot Amencan OKriomaa.



Sand Province. whjdi borders Baluchrsun. f'rtnal police resources oat could be used to trade Kan* st are limply not available, sardpolice surxrintendent.

lavem rating an American wuider.igh-profilebectgh prrcriry. acemfcoghe su-pennierMent. -We an ncecsety engaged in day-to-day xaiaV he md. "Or* doesn't do serious mvesugauve wont onceombaiieg ma is-scale terrorism."

Theowable motive (or Kann's acuoni has ted FBI agents and othersam Ine bit school yean. Wh> ai Bataaaua(he. Kama became sn-otvednefashnm uoonaust monoamt tbathtkaatj, -

Some reports haw inggested. that Kami, or mother ron-iba of fart tamaV.bare worked ice tbe CIA" tt was roDnekag wapwi toonethaantaa th*r*f cct.he CIA hai told (he mora' brndjes thathai ed aa exr.ausrjve search of its ties and found oo rhat any member ol the Kscntt had any coo-

neiUun to the agency- V' FBI otfioata wai not ny mcxJy what they are doaagta .

tryenrtraic On mbat network to ret their hands en Kama. Susan Lbyd. apcfeTwonaa (or (be field office here,haadiai ol agents" remains permanently assignedhe Kans ciaohu-ii and (hat (bey trrvei to Pakistano-uat bass. She described then*r there aa "more raafe-hoccmi than rwxwn wuh the tribes* as tbe agents pur-cue leads and dues tohereabouts.

Som an outburst of sectarian violence in Karachi early last month, tbe FBI hai nreootded with extra canuongenta there. *We don't want to pot othersarm's way lot the sake of caatanogshe aaai

Uoyd said the FBI bebeves that Kanu had beenirly dose to home" even (bough he remains -somewhathia aa own ares.ative son who* ol peopleeag sbefletMot olhe said.

Earlier tha year, tha FBI suiiegy toward capturing Kans began lo chuge draruccaUy alter the bureau came to the modDskaa lhat us deJfcexauSy low-key campaign, aaoed at racrtang bSa ofl guars, wasn't working.

Al the end of March, ibe FBI reclassified ben aa ainierutiocai terrorist. This meant that tbe FBI could Up into the State Department's Counter-Terrorism Rewards Program and increase Ms ofler lor mlorroation toiaf esaoct asmfaoo-

Apni. the FBI ud State Deoartrncnt prepared toussve pubuarr campaign roase Pakistanamphlets andocal newspapers, plus the diBnbuaon of tens of thousands of nxaichbooks. The State DenanraeBtutensent that was onty russag the rxee-se day as. Apr* for tfs release.

Thenmbassy in Pakistan had second [hooihu. The ensWsay was concerned thai Kansi'a arrests would puiotnata in Pakistan at rrsk. Onewas ue nsaag lade of seOarUoakutan. Another was the hjsaasnabooearty March of two American consular officers in Karachiroupho opened Orethor tai.

Theakistan.oon, cabled borae strongfr rwaanendlng thatnnaignet Kanu be put on bold, at bast onoi the pola^ tarm*

Pakiiun abued.

Defrndiag their deailon. Siate Departmeni oHkiab note that man* Patouaiw befieve ihe shooimg of the two



Amencaa consular olAcua was in retaostioa (or the arrest and estnciOon lo (be Orated States of Vouiefit tne*ne month after hn capture and eoradnaon.

Kami's camfttoo. if he were caogbt. woaldbe |ust as problCTTuoc as hn arrest, aawcoanc io. and PakisUni ofnaals.

Ia the case of Yonset Pakistani rjthonori argoed (hat beatostaa MCrasaL and therefore fdnulproceedings were not required. Younef was putpecial ptane and flown back to New York witbuioon of ha arrest on Feb. 7.

Buto doubt that Kansakistani atnen. Tbsa. he would oour*kTsrr_appeal to the Pakistani courts to stop exeaoktasn. Ha appeah could take weeks, une lor arxiasition to bis rsuadwmi f

When Becker-Daricf beard about Uw US. govem-meni's decanon to posrpone the raanraigri as eao-fanr. she exploded in anger, il.akistan was so worried that upptog the reward forapture tosdboo rmrht provoke another attach on US. djpao-macs. wfty had he been io omckeward of the same amount ifia LV bung of the two Amenran coo-mlar officersHardt;

Eayxty cairuuna; to Bcttrs-OarLcs; ud ux-

en Ibe US fovernroent uatil Marchmonths after her hunband"idecide hrs HhfJ >ii "an act of irterrjoorulot an ordmary cnnaOai acuoa

Becker-Darting had set all her hopes on the newcampaign to get Kans. It had been (oar(be nukaig and was the resultong tabbyinglhe victims' Families, which she had spearheaded.rnovng back homeew rnonUnhusband's death, she bad found her ownacuoa arid justice wasonely battle.she was often cruacired by US. officialsubbc*

here to mar* the second anniversary of het bus-band'i death in January, ilxdeaded to lake her cause to Congress andrsptuj aDv in Sen. Arte* Specterer rxxne-statn senator and chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence,nees ihe CIA.

Specter wrote Presnent Clnton on Feb.rpng lhat more be done io capture Kansi. hrst by declaring han an memjoonai terrorist and then by increasing the reward lor ha captureOO tondbon.

Specter aho wrote PaJostam Prime Mawster Benanr Bhutto, asaanj for Pakistan's assistance to capture Kama. He urged Cbuon to bctaf op bis ease with Bhutto dumg her vsutcu. and the two leaden did discuss iu molding to Special alike.

Beeker-Darunj came to Washmgion in (ale June lo air on Capitol HJ her trirstiaticm over the State Depart-meni'i decasaoaalt the new campaign to catch Kans. She leftroroae from Specter to press Use State Depanment oa Ms decaoon loigh-profile campaign lo arrest KansL

"ForeeJ were getung sornewhere.-she laid.not go-ogccept an indefinite lame frame for ibis campaign."

KomranconlnmttM to fltur lUry/rwm Kowkt.

Pakistan. "K.

Original document.

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