Created: 8/15/1995

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible



to tho File

Topic: Letter from Chairman, House Banking and Financial Services Committee, to the DCI, dtdubject: allegations of money laundering in Arkansas in the

Subject: MeetingCA onugust 95

Background: eg and AC/Leg have observed that responding to Chairman Leach's requestriefing from the IG's office is much more involved than the typical support provided by OCA in these matters. Based largely on the fact that the IG has not conducted extensive investigations into the topics addressed in the Chairman's5 letter, OCA has tried toearch of Agency records for information responsive to the specific questions posed by Chairman Leach.



Summary: The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the preliminary search results and recommend that another office take over the responsibility forore thorough search and analysis of the information relating to this topicomplete answer can be provided to Chairman Leach, after appropriate coordination and notification to our oversight cornmittees.

Wetatus report of material related to the topics addressed in Chairman Leach's5 letter.

/the litigation

file involving Terry Reed; the previous searches for information on Barry Seal; the Independent Counsel investigation concerning INSLAW's PROMIS software; the search of the Iran Contra files which contained references

to Tom Posey, Jack Terrill, and the Civilian Military


After theCAall to the ExDir gaveery brief description of the topic and told her we would meet with the GC to discuss this further before presenting her with any recommendations.

Memorandum to the File

Topic: Letter from Chairman, House Banking and Financial Services Committee, to the DCI, dtdubject: allegations of money laundering in Arkansas in the

Follow-opCA asked us toecord search of the ERs of OCA and the DCI's office for any other Congressional correspondence or other actions concerning Mena, Arkansas and to seteeting with the GC for that afternoon to discuss how best to proceed.

Status Report: Oneeting was held with the GC. See separate MFR of today's date for details.

Original document.

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