Created: 8/11/1995

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible



FOIA iinnmiit lir tin diet



Inleljijeence Report

DC/ Inie-agrncy Balkan Task Farce

Balkan Sanctions Situation5

The FRY is asking thai inc Swumy Council lift all tanctmni to.gride cm deal wrth ihc Hood of Kn.uaf )

The PRY is asking ihii the Security Council lift aU ttocinnr.that Belende un deal wrthtr* flood ul Krajiru Serb re/urea who have fled from Cnwu.Mgh"'inf Secern, cootxil actior. to lift allr-irradr rescued that the Sanction* Committee expedite clearance procedures for humanitarian gauds. Iirx up FRY aueu for the purcrujc of relief supplies, and allow wmc export* to raise hard currency to purchase additional humanitarian

rwroaiions bdieve actional reliefn u> wmjlta rrfureeot yercmol Moscow tmuaaaa,Serbia onoguii, followed by track and rail itapmentv Moscow alsoublicly called for lifting Mrxtiora Tfcm it bale pmtpea that the UN Security Council wilt lift sanctions lo rate relit/ut it probably will expedilr approvals for cargo flights into the IKY I, ma, be dtficuU to detect embargoed goods hidden in Urge reke/ shipments. |

Original document.

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