Created: 9/3/1980

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ASTOLAKD: Criticism of Settlement

HosccJ, revealing ite serious concerthe effects of the congestions granted to the Polish strikers, jidesd its criticism uesurday of both ths strikersindirectly, the Gierek regime.

elevision news commentary last night, the Soviets criticized Gdansk strike leader Lech Walesa for the first time by labelingember of an "oppoaitio group." Previous Sovietthe authoritative "A. Petrov" -irticle in Pravda onhad condemnedounterrevolutionary" elements trying to undermine Poland's socialist system but stopped short of specifically including the strike leaders in this category. By lumptag Walesa with these "oppositionho axe attempting to "destroy the link between the party and the workingheappear to be questioning the validity of the new Independent trade unions and, by implication, the ment of the Polish leadership in accepting them.

The Eastcertainly in collaboration withsven further by carrying the Petrovarticle in their media yesterday in an edited version thatirect attack on the Gierek regime for capltu lating. The East German leaders have been appalled at Gierek's hindling of the crisis and were no doubt eager to blast the Polish leader as well as to remind their own workers not to expect similar concessions, tmm,

Lest week. East Germany became the first Warsaw Pact country to criticize the Gierek regime indirectly in its press byharp attack on the Polish leadership by US Communist Party chief Gus Hall. The following day Soviet sec la carried the same item, fltsmV

Soviet and East German criticism of the strike leaders and the Gierek regime reflects the distaste in both capitals for thr concessions made to the Polish strikers. The Soviets do not appear to be considering forcing tne Polish leadership to revoke the settlement but are trying to ensure that the new trade unions are so restricted as to become powerless.

Original document.

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