Created: 6/12/1981

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USSR-POLANDi Reaction towittee Meeting

The Soviets yesterday shoved their displeasure over theof the Polieh party plenum by broadoastOui in the OSSR their letter Ithe Polish Central Comitu,. fjs

The publication of the harshly worded letter suggests that tho Soviet leaders will make greater offorta to inform the populace of the USSR about the nature of thoir dispute with the Poles and thus better prepare the Soviet people for whatever further action they decide to take, eeer

Xf the Soviet Politburo held ita uaual Thuraday meeting yeBterday, the Kremlin's next move may come soon. The defeat of Moscow's attempt to force the Polish party to reverse the trend of liberalization and the rapid approach of the party congreaa compel the Soviets to act quickly.

Poliah Reactions

There was little reaction in Poland yesterday to the strong and dramatic two-day Central Committee session. Party members and the populace ln general presumably axe staggered by tho realization that there nearlyomplete split In the top leadership and the party could have disintegrated.

In hia closing speech to the plenum, party leader Kania repeated many of the aame themes he included in his opening epeecht "socialist rencval" will continue) the party will continue to uso political moans to deal with problems; it will combat extremists and "antisoclellsts" and tighten controls on the mass media; and the Sovietsight to criticize tho party, but Poland willoyal ally. Sjpj

Kania barely referred to the attempts by hardliners to unseat him. Hepecial plea that provincial election delegates to the party congross notexclude present members of the leadership. It ia likely, however, that many in tho presentparticularly thenot retain thoiraftor the congress. mm


The resolution of the Central Committee plenum, broadcast yesterday, also emphasized that the party will continue "socialist renewal" and use political means to resolve social conflicts. In describing how the party should react tohe resolution stated that "all indispensable means" should be used. MMj

Romanian Nervousness

A Romanian diplomat told eTsBsnBsssTmBm that the Soviets had "lost oonfidence" ineaders and would Intervene before the congress unless leadership changes were made and internal party reform halted. He also said he was "eighty percent sure" that the Romanians would not participate in such an intervention.

Another Romanian diplomat said it would be "realistic toarsaw Pact intervention in Poland "in the coming weeks." He noted that the Czechoslovaks, Bulgarians, and Bast Germans would, along with the reluctant Hungarians, join Moscow in an intervention. The Romanians would not, in his view, be included in such an action.

Foreign Ministry officials ln Bucharest,


go ol Soviet intent to move against Poland and denied any change in Romania's position opposing all interference in Poland.

Original document.

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