Created: 8/3/1981

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible

Tht prtstnt coup atttapt k* Statrail llattsch ind Aacz,Military anlts la Santay no wtaat miffflho hue beta actively planning for tht pastall Military1rt tht Inttrlor will joinaat cat eff vital tuppUtt to tht capital; Thtypopulace and kty Military untila Pai will thtn actGeneral Garcia Mtza to ittp down. Should tht> suctttd,promised to conctntratt on tconoalc rtform, to withdrawfrow Involvtatnt In narcotic* trafficking, and to returndemocratic rait within two or thrttarcia Pittawtll inforard on tht plotttr't InttntloM, howtvtr, ant htit. .

Original document.

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