Created: 8/17/1981

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POLAND: Protests Suspended.

Organizer* of the protests on behalf of political prisoner* abruptly canceled their demonstration* yesterday, apparentlyesponse to strong preozuri from church and unionJBBm

..The canceliotion bane only' hours- after"rganizers had publiclyommitment to proceed. Archbishop Glemp, who had called Saturday for suspension of the demonstrations, may have intervened|


Suspension of the'protests is an importantthe government, even though it probablydo with bringing about the cancellation. Overthe government-continued to make clearprevent the marches by declaring onban on the use of public vehicles andnand yeaterday reportedly assembling largeextra police.'

': -V

The government's resolve will be tested by other planned thiswo-day news-strike beginning Wednesday to supportfor greater access to the media. The regime mayprepared to endure the strike and deductasmmmmmmmemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaflMh* the

head of one publishing house has told his workers that strike is not In conformity withand consequently workers will not be paid time lost in striken..


Brezhnev-Kania Talks -Or,

The communique issued after the'short visit-toSSR of Polish party leader Kania and Premier Jaruzelski* indicates Moscow Is willing.to give the Polishhip yet more time in the hope it can bring the Polish situation under control, but the Kremlin still seems -uncertain that Warsaw can accomplish this. *Wmm%%

Approved for Dale W



The atmospherics indicate tha talrs wore tough and probably involved disagreements. The communique *

.was delayed some seven hours after Kania had left, and the characterization of the talks was

."comradely, mutualhe Polesthe tougher measures they have beenthat strikes and demonstrations as well anti-Soviet propagandaserious threat*Poland and stating that their priority was setting "barrier to manifestations of anarchy."

.eparture from his last publicized meeting with the Polish leadership in March, President Brezhnev did not giverudging vote of confidence to thePolish leadership. The communique merely said the Sovie-"solidarize sincerely" with'Polish efforts to correct the situation. Nevertheless, the tone of the communique was not threatening and did notense ofency that events must be quickly brought under control.

Kania did win fromalfheartedof the July party congress, but Moscow qualified by implying reservations about some aspectsparty

-i V "

* Kania may have succeeded privately in winning ad-ltional aid from the USSR but the Soviet economic aid to Poland mentioned in the communique appears tonew. The agreement to defer for five years payment of debts to the USSR waa Announced in March and. the Soviet promise.of additional raw materials andurner goods may beepetitionimilar pledge announced last. December. Other vague statements may -refer to .recent Soviet proposals for increased Indus-trial cooperation based on Soviet'supplies of raw Bate-rials for Polish factories and export of the finished goods to the USSR.

Original document.

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