Created: 12/18/1981

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POLAND: Workers Killed

Ttu killing-"van miner* byforceourning pcint in the crisis that could presage greater violence as the reg-unc continues to enforce martial law. Soviet forces are not taking part in the operations in Poland, and there are nothat Soviet combat forces are preparing to depart their garrisons. On the other hand, Polish Foreign Minister Csyrek has tlied that Moscow had forced Premier Jaruzelski la hand.

The official media last night reported that the seven miners had been killed andnjured as security forces tried on Wednesday totrikeine near Katowice. Tho same report saidilitiamenivilians had been Injured in Gdansk that evening as the police stormed the Lenin Shipyard. The regime claims that the miners attacked its forces with "axes, crowbars, and stones" before they opened fire.

The police yesterday also broke up demonstrations in Warsaw. In several instances, eanmsawmmmsmmamnsmm^ smme>police using their clubs indiscriminately. The crowd had been chanting "Solidarity" and "Walesa." (C>

Until Wednesday the regime had successfully "pacified" about ISO factories because workers had not resisted. The deaths could have an incendiary effect, encouraging some workers, even from "pacified" enterprises, to resume strikes and to resist government counteractions. The deaths almostll reduce coal productionther miners btage sympathy or slowdown strikes. fjesmat-

Widespread strikes and demonstrations in reaction to the deaths wouldevere strain on the security services. Not only could they be stretched thin, but some members might refuse to follow orders. The deaths, along with Archbishop Glemp's condemnation of martial law, will make it even mors difficult, and perhaps im-'possible, toolitical way out of the crisis. -Premier Jaruselskl's credibility will sink further,

^yed for Release


Evenhere is no furtherdeaths

will embitter relations between thepopulace

for years. The deaths of shipyardGdansk in

elped cause the militancy0 feeee.

.'ester day

ti nued

Polish Foreign Minister Czyrek implied that Moscow had forced Jaruzelaki's hand. Cryrek said that martial lawhe last chance to solve the question by Polish. hands." Other Polish sources also have told VeeeetTemeeWthat the Soviets were pressing Jaruzelski act. The Poles may hope that such explanations will help deflect Western criticism and avert possible cutbacks in economic aid. ffJJfefc,


has threatened military intervention by the Warsaw Pacteneral strike takesnimilar statement was made IsmmmsesmmmmmmmmmaW

this week by another Soviet, and in each case the threat seems largely intended for Polish ears, sssmst

Other Soviets have spoken more moderately, with one officialing esasmml Baum^auemmsmmmneanmi that Moscow recognizes the long-term need for "dialogue" between Solidarity and the government. TASS reportedtatement by the Polish Military Council that political and economic reform will continue after order is reestablished. eaenV

As long as developments in Poland remain highly fluid, Soviet statements will do little to reveal Moscow'i intentions. The Soviets will use various themes in attempting to minimize Polish resistance and, at the same time, will privately urge the regime to use whatever force is necessary to establish control. eemmV

Original document.

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