Created: 2/1/1982

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POLAND: Student* Clash With Police

Student" clothed with police in Gdansk on Saturday, while Vest Europeans were shoving strongmI only lukewarm mass support for Soliaarity Daw. Despite the harah weather, prospects for the winter grain crop are good.

The Relish radio reported yesterday thaioutside the Lenin Shipyard and in the city center resulted in injuries toeople, olice officers, and the arrest ofemonstrators, prlmarj^lyuniverelty and high school students. Banana!

recently visited Gdansk reported rumors tnntprotcsts against price increases would take place today at the shipyard.

Comment: The official report blamed US propaganda for inspiring the youths, suggesting that they were attempting to join the international commemorationather than protesting against the Impending price hikes. The most likely place foremonstration would be at the monument to theilledhich is in front ot the shipyard. faBafB

The regime is clearly worried that suchcould be the catalyst for widespread protests, so it has moved quickly to clamp down In Cdsnsk. Summary criminal proceedings have already begun against the alleged organizers, the curfew has been extended,lines disconnected, and private movement sharply

This is apparently the first major violent incident since the claah last December between security forces and miners in Silosis which left at least soven miners dead. It is further evidence that the Baltic coast and Silesia remain trouble spots for the authorities, end they will bo very cautious about lifting martial law restrictions there.

Meanwhilethat Soli-

darity leader Walesa is now officially interned, ending his previous indeterminate statue. If true, thisark of the regime's exasperation atits lack of progress in dealing with the union leader. SBBVm


Anprovedfor Oate.

Reactions to Solidarity Day

Pope John Paul II expressed gratitude forin support of Poland, and Western leaders participating in the Solidarity Day broadcast were united in call! ng for an end to martial law, freedom for detainees, ^nd^talks among the government, the Church, and Solidarity.

Polish and Soviet media condemned the "Let Poland Be Poland" broadcast as "Interference in Poland's internal affairs" and derided it asHollywood"enior Soviet expert on Western affairs contended in an interview that the broadcast was intended to arouse "distrust of the (Polish) governmentJLjnd "disturbance of tranquillity in that country."

While criticising alleged DS efforts athe Soviets will seek to exploit criticism by some West Europeans that the presenceumber of show business personalities devalued the Solidarity Day broadcast. The Polish Government probably also hopes that the effects of Solidarity Day can be reduced if foreign Ministerin Prance at the invitation of the FrenchParty to attend its nationalable to meat Foreign Minister Cheysson- Warsaw would useeeting to show that diplomatic relations are proceeding se usual desp^eSolidsrity Day and Western attacks on the regime, ffj

Grain Prospects Good

illion hectares or winter grains were sown last fall, an Increase of more thanercentrop development prior to dormancy was excellent, and the

protective snowcover has ao far prevented any significant winterkill. Although recent flooding In northern Poland destroyed some winter grainfields, most of the crop was left untouched.


the current outlook for Poland's LWz winter grain crop-aboutercent of total graingenerally good. apid melt of the accumulation of heavy snow, however, could lead to additional flood damage. In any event, privateproduce overercent of the grainmust be willing to sell grain to ttu^state^^Ethe regime is to meet basic food needs.

Original document.

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