Created: 1/20/1982

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Chur^ Yesterday implicitly criticizedommunique issued* ill? eotin^ of the Church-state joint hamper" tn*ess ofhestateinentreflecte the Archbishop's private plea.;

his woek for resumptionWestern aid.

iaISOthat the Church's primary mission now is to prevent bloodshed. He fears thati!fnf tl activists will go underground and Initiateiamp ev^ently is annoyed at Solidarity chief Walesa for not heading off resistance by beginning negotiations with the regime,

a^itlon, Glemp apparently views Premier

m! *L" siege fromin the regime areng formulation of necessary reform policies andthe chances of instability, -*

share Glemp's view that

sanctions help to make matters worse. Soma Catholic

i^iIa?tU;lBhave expressed strong

approval of

and concern about the

iJ^ situation are in line with recentof them, however,

outbursts. They seem to be

f,CUrnmtontinuei8turbanc*egive Impetus

Glemp's view of Jaruzelskioderate mayaccepted throughout Krakow hasthat.

Jaruzelski was the executcTrorTovTe^wTTj^Tr^Poland. Differences within the Church hierarchy may have been aired at the meeting of all the bishops yesterday in Warsaw. They did agreetatement to be sent to Jaruzel8ki--the contents of which are not yet available.

The Archbishop also may exaggerate the possibility that hardliners have Jaruzelski on the run. The Premier is likely to retain his strong grip on the reins of power as long as concern over maintaining control is paramount and the party is in disarray.'

robably are considerable differences,over policy es hardliners and moderates in the leadership maneuver for political advantage. Theseare likely to grow because Jaruzelski has few concrete ideas about "reform" and because he is not skilled political tactician.

Clamp's view of Jaruzelskioderate mayaccepted throughout the^Polisheplscopate^^Onein Krakow has

Jaruzelski was the executororTovie^wiT^niPoieind. Differences within the Church hierarchy may have been aired at the meeting of all the bishops yesterday in Warsaw. They did agreetatement to be sent tolie contents of which are not yet available.

The Archbishop also may exaggerate the possibility that hardliners have Jaruzelski on the run. Tho Premier is likely to retain his strong grip on the reins of power as long as concsrn over maintaining control is paramount and the party la in disarray.

robably are considerable differences,over policy ss hardliners and moderates in the leadership maneuver for political advantage. Theseare likely to grow because Jaruzelski has few concrete ideas aboutand because he iskilled political tactician.

Amended Price Hikes

The martial law regime has amended its proposed price reforms to give full compensation to almost all consumers for price increases on meat, flour, and other rationed goods, it has also scaled back energy prioe hikes, which originally were scheduled to more than doubl* The authorities, however, are still proposing tothe increasesebruary.

Comment! Many In the government will favor going ahead witJTthe price changes as soon as possible because they realize that the increases are necessary if the regime is to have any chance of stabilizing the market. Although the amended price reforms will absorb lesspurchasing power, the government probably believes that it in -St soften the financial blow to *hd try to reduce consumer hostility.

Original document.

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