Created: 7/16/1982

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible

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illion hydroelectric complex, once viewed as an African show-

Hydroeleclrle Complex piece, could well become the country's latcsl "while-

0 million electrical trans missionwent intolastcurrent from the tag* II Dam near tbe mouth of the Zaire River to the minini center of Kolweri in Shaba Region. The peofiubility of Use new line, however, appears far bleaker thanS-led internauonal consortium began constructionbe sune in domestic power demand that was anticipated at that time failed to materialize after tbe decline in world copper priceslanned major expansion of Zaire'sndustry. Moreover, sales to neighboring countries will not generateevenue lo amortize construction loans backed by the US Export-Import BanK or to finance maintenance of tbe

Original document.

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