Created: 1/1/1983

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NORTH KOREA-SOUTH KOREA: Possible New Strategy

Pnccations ol north korean responjiOMify lot the oomoirg Instill no!ihe possimty that p'rofgyengore aggressive strategy reward south


Burmese security authorities yesterdayhird Korean suspect. South .Korean investigators in Rangoon reportedly have boon given permission to interrogate

BBSBBBBBBSBSBBfP'yongyaiig largely avoided hlgnty visible terrorist actions during theI viewed talk ol US troop withdrawals and the growth ol political unrest in South Korea as favorable developments

fJSince South Korean President Chun tookorth Korean President Kint il-song has beenl setbacks in his elforls to reunify the peninsula on his terms. Chun has firmly consolidated control since taking power.

Af/Soulh Korea, as host countryumber of impending international events, is achieving considerable worldwide recognition and prestige. The US-South Korean security relationship has been reaffirmed and strengthened. P'yongyang may have viewed Chun's visit lo Rangoon as an opponuntly to remove the one individual most responsible for these trends 4

angoon, on the other hand,tringent, and the Norm Koreans have an established presence in Burma. Chun's trip was lust announced In June, giving P'yongyang ample time for what appears loeticulously planned operation


Original document.

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