Created: 12/14/1982

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible

POLAND: Suspension of Martial Law

Provisions for internment are also to be dropped, but, according to another parliamentary source, the regime may reserve special powers to extend thoof certain individuals. Activists convicted of violating martial law regulations can, upon appeal, be granted clemency by the State Council.

Jablonski added that some martial law restrictions designed to protect state security, public order, and the economy will stay in effect. Military commissars

will remain in major factories and perhaps the mines. Restrictions on publications will stay intact, and the

authorities will retain considerable latitude for employing

security forces. MR

2o. has indicated,ecSbe??

The martial law ban on strikese lifted, but recent trade union legislation sots out lengthy procedures that all but preclude strikes. Workers who_vlolate the procedures now can be summarily dismissed.

comment: The regime clearly is moving cautiously. The draft laws appear to setaze of legalthatow the government to do virtually whatever it wants and will not seriously erode its ability to maintain control, premier Jaruzelski may be committedongthy transition period and probably hopes that the prospect of the full lifting of martial lawapal visit next sumacr will_induce_people to avoid pro-tost activity. BjpBBBBaeemmlSBBBBmBBemBBBBa

Original document.

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