Created: 12/3/1982

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abolition on Wednesday of the Actors' Union eliminates one of the last pockets of organizedbefore the dissolution of martial law and theof restrictions on most cultural groups. The move is dosigned to end an actors' boycott of radio and television, under way since the imposition of martial law, and bring the theater under closer government control. It follows recent threats by Deputy Premier Rakowski thatactors would be punishedermon on Sunday by Archbishop Glemp urging actors to return to work.

the Churchffairs an< hardlinersredential opponents.

Comment: The regime's action comesime when the boycott appeared to be collapsing because of the economic concerns of unemployed actors, the stance of

termination of martial law. il reputation inn low esteem by party .ed the campaign againstamage Rakowski's liberal itanding in tho eyes of his

wed tor Reteas

Original document.

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