Created: 4/23/1984

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yugoslavia: dissident crackdown

the arrest ON friday Of former vice president AND prominent dissident kilovan djilas probably HAS meant to strengthen the credibility OF repeated calls for social discipline. djilas, THE IAST survivor of tito's inner circle, WAS arrested ALONG withther intellectuals HHO HAD met TO discuss yugoslavia's nationality PROBlFMS. although djilas was among those released ON saturday. eportedly remain IN detention. party leaders are publicly at tack in{ increasing criticism FROM dissidents and warning that central committee MEMBER5 AND regional politicians must stop obstructing political reform, ggff

president ljubicic

and OTHER serb conservatives mayresponsible for the arrests. ljubicic. who becomes serbia's representative on the state presidency next month, cultivates serb nationalist "

sueeorrs increased central authority, nevertheless.!

;qp party and state officials almost certainly "APTkO.*.

ThTcTaCKOOWN. they are preparing for the latesteries OF

central committee plenums that KaVE so far fared to break the

political lqcjam created by the decentralized political system tito bequeathed. V)


Original document.

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