Created: 10/2/1984

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wu TM wrjghj mrnw to jjohahstah? I

Alphas rtfogeti. whh ran ncoetiMj. pU> taheir htenlaodCM Soviets leave. ea* of greet prist ta lha liMrsoiiofl Inegtiriw'aUstaal tedtty. haw atatty will actually gt each, however. *lll wpM

m aMli pot notM al tM iHumh- b> AfptMolrtaa. Bha artrtajto al tht

awefugees MiMhIi Pat law. fffJJJM

heajoauc latatrsetsa

Tha Atghat relugeei art bet log lasrsrlsfagly will Iwajraud lata tha PMIitMl Kaavary. tccecflag ta twa UsrtM ftatleai high Caawlu aaer lar FUIm>mi3 reports. One UMCX iany feate thatortent al tM et-es nrveyee art wart lag It tht lata! Pte. Irani tceoowy la laaaa type if [t* aaal that IT percent tt tht cawa rtoauMtia hart at kui oat mm* ttapltrrttl tnvstveoMorl hi Bit local ternary toot aot MCtiurlly aMttar* whothor tho rologaoi win return to Alghaalttaa. huta toatcotlaa that chore It Incentive tt nay. at least la the

The otheraret that Bht rttagoti heve Brought wtthtaawrclal vtoictts. about hall af which art heavy twit. Slate therehortage ef heavy troth! Is Pakistan, these rehfflts are la groat denned; eachoes fhriag larill let la Malilaa. tht rsfugeoi have brtuaht wttt jbaoa theosaaos ol donkeys mo cmmIi that tiro provide lottMo.

That limit

Stiaflit tf rifugot BMvoeatou show as IsvBtse comtailM bttwott Bit turatlea of rtluget idle eta! their atiht ta retnni hew* There rtudlts divide the Hat lata roughly few per leer, the first year or so, whoa tht trMJMi aad hhtorotss el recent tragic evttts evtrwhala tBwr feollags; thetwo ar three years, whao the refuges worti with partitiitar trig* far autocall cootactl awl ceeoetlites with tht original

approved forv| 17

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cvmvr. On*erkM it eeerestlM and the lettingIfctMrfly. tftMetata. riUgautiM ta living la tha halt neatery. Men at men etuebet agree thai Dm taw* or fifth taar ii otBaxttlly luutertanl Aa the rrfuc-Vi tillt eautlaoai fate Bill periodbtytnd. tht chaacti Bun ht will hove htceat fgHv iMavatttt lata Pakistani satiety prow Uaaawhllt. catttacl with AfghanlrtM dMlalihes. itftaat chllatta im Pakistani schools, mi camp Ufa becoam

eports treat Pakistan luaoarta kind tl ittaeee leader Itue whett power ao leagtrhe traditional tribal or village structure, but ta tht tealrUu el canto lift. Hater, who tea acoulrt end teatrol raOte cards and deal win the Pnkisuui aurcauciacy cam) ta the tirelrott Ihtit leadtn have Wtlt toheir people la rttara to Atehaalttaa il.ee that- power growi em tl the caaap tavhoatam

taatoat far Rettamrag home

The Pa*iita.ii havt pre.itea Incentives lor roturtrlailoa. tha distribution of UN ratlins to ttfugoti living Intluguragei tnttpretiou brio me eteal society. ee.we butlatiinlart tad dlstourngtd from Thd has eat worked perfectly, hewt.or; mm, Aftheeiprogeny one- opened builuiiss.


efugees tiatiaue to owa preperty In Afghanistan Hilton percent of tht refugee lormari later.lewt* in the carnpi here returaid to AlgKanlttan part of the ysar tt (arm. Among thaaierultwig. ortrtniat hadfghanistan.

al Weal ptrspattlvt. rt will aat bt tht form of Hurt will be most Important lo the refugees, nor whether ars pro-Soviet Rether. It will be tht MMauals who art intruded io ihi ge.irnmtnt and their ability ta convince the relugets to return. The relugttl. both la the cartes Ml those llrleg outside, will return when lift ta Alghaalslan appears mote attractive than life In the tempi in Pakistan gcllMid stflttmtnt likely will call lor ureas lo be dismantled Ml the structuie ol support and services that make camp literd fJfJiaVfB

2 October ISBflKXCX

ctarfiULCT Us. twT

Tb euaiaJrr rrf*trw*ie* rh, rsftiosei an will teat to be ruujrH. cm rtratn safety ta their (ami, wort ana Mmi If Ml rilUeas art Milatt, their Haiti ee-Jtrevea. m* dm* Irrleatiee eaMi raiaea. ahoy will atIMttry ttran If ban; ta rttara tt AtpjpauJstaa. they aa.tat rotors tt their (trail hut crews an Oa ttBei. prkuerlrp IttM. |

Alffcaa DKbkwJttlaa

fpheei km mm eWililo-ihighly nurtured local aiaal tr village laru. aot at IMMtuatt Thau tradilieaal aalU la tun wt tltf to larger laMoaal pel hotel tarts that iwtuefly kavt tin with tat arm aa)rriatiai guerrilla eesMltetioui. ass) to mm degree wtth Patinas! astloaal attWcal graal Mot mri refugee Ii iktcttr easer tht ttatrol tl aat ll tht auarrilla greupi hart bmii (otoaooi raevHatly hart iMtaaai ta Me if DM met oroaas. olitic* lolutlot fat will kuuri tks rsbn of nesthe refugee! win have ta iacieet tht panfrtpettce, er at lean tht kltulag. of the easiert ical leasers tw (laser lei-Cleg Zahir Shah, far essatpltlraaaltatlMil structure Isomo type) ef Love ^ lphMast MMfft that caa tupercese their suthority.


n 'arxeptahlt" latileaMat. wast ol the refugees proeaatv wBI retunt ta Atffwtlitae. The rofegaes ore deeply suspicious that Paklraa Il ahtwt to sell Me* tut. however. Ma terca than to rerunmatrepuuili aat perhtpi seogerous sltueUee. ohriloa that will

4 ceavlace the tefugeft tt retunt will bo olffleitt


Original document.

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