Created: 11/16/1984

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible

CHILE: Confrontation Poaalble

arrests yesterday ol hundreds ol residentsarge working class district in Santiago may provoke further violence. Accordlno to

press reports, government troops sealed oft the district.

known lor antlregime militancy. Meanwhile.!

radical leftist

Oatmonstratlons': organizers and;to"

responsible for organising ihe protest scheduledovember hope to close down the capital but avoid major street

he government to detain the emonsirat-ons occur

mtenoeo to round up local political act<vists andNevertheless, valence may increase. parr.cuiarty Ma no leaders are encouraged toore direct rotaactivity Cy |he ArchbrthOp of Santiago's Strong criticism otof siege.*"

Original document.

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