Created: 8/8/1984

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Soviet Maneuvering on Talks Reflects Conflicting I

Easl-VVest Relations

Moscow Warns FRG, GDR on Bilateral 5

Hungary Backs GDR Efforts To Improve Ties With 8


Al-Asad Remarks Highlight Poor Prospect* for10


Beijing Cautiously Explores Improving Ties With 14

China-UK-Hoog Kong

Beijing Registers Satisfaction at Howe Talks on Hong17


Pressure Builds To Raise Priority of Machine20

USSR-New Zealand

Moscow Praises New Zealand Nuclear Ban as Setback for23

Correction to4 Treads

On page I. V. Kulikov is incorrectly identified as headector in the Insti-lute of Marxism-Leninism of the CPSU Central Committee. The Kulikov who wrote the Kommunist article was economist V, Kulikov {deputy director of the Institute of Economics] rather than historian V. Kulikov, who works at the Institute af Marxism-Leninism.


China-UK-Hong Kong

Beijing Registers Satisfaction it Howe Talks oa Hoog Koof

as portrayed talks during British Foreign Secretary Howe's visit as having made significant progresslno-Britlsh accord on the reversion of Hong Kong after nearly two years of painstaking negotiations. Selective treatment of tht details of the talksesire to play down any Implication of PRC concession to British demands while reassuring ihe Hong Kong public of China's good intentions with respect to the territory's future.

Beijing's upbeat assessment ofulysecond in threereflected in remarks by Foreign Minister Wu Xucqian ont. reported by Xinhua that day. Wu obterved that the two sides had reached "fairly identical'* views, so lhat "it can be saidreakthrough has been made" in the negotiations. Asked whether an agreement was possible by September, the deadline set by Beijing last fall. Wu responded that "it is possible to initiate an agreement asinhua added that to attain this goal, the two sides decided to schedule another meeting of their foreign ministers at the United Nations General Assembly in New York. Presumably, this would afford an occasion to iron out any outstanding issues not resolved in ongoing meetings of the working groups headed by ambassadorial-level officials, perhaps enabling the two sides to initial an accord on the eve ofNational Day.

A similarly optimistic joint press communique, also transmitted by Xinhua ont, stated that toe talks produced "significant progrcssn toward theobjective of reaching "an earlyn contrast, the communique marking the conclusion of Howe's April visit had noted more modestly that "further progress" had been attained in deliberations on an accord which "both sides hoped to reach" on the issue (Beijing radio.pril).

u|UH I'W

satisfaction at the outcome of the talks was apparent in treatment or Howe's courtesy meeting with Deng Xiaoping ont. According to Xinhua that day. Deng "praised" the progress made by the two sides as "worthinhua added lhat during their "friendly and cordial" meeting. Deng conveyed bis gratitude to Prime Minuter Thatcher for her sustained "attention" to the Hong Kong Question. The PRC-controlled Hong Kong press reported further that Deng compared Mrs. Thatchers contribution to that of De Gaulle in ending French colonial rule. Ta Kung Paougust observed that Deng, who had "never gone that far" in praising the British prime minister, thus demonstrated his great satisfaction with the results of Howe's visit. These accounts of Deng's positive remarks contrast sharply with those following Howe's meeting with Deng in April. Xinhua'spril report wis conspicuously devoid of/any suggestionordial atmosphere and portrayed Deng as forcefully arguing tbe validity of the Chinese position.

media at Tint refrained from providing de-

tailed information on the substance of Ibe Howe-Wu talks. letting the British foreign secretary be the first to elaborate on the results of hb discussions.ugust newt conference in Hong Kong, according to Hong Kong media. Howe disclosed that tbe two sides had made "very substantial progress'* in three specific areas: They agreed on the "framework and key clauses" of an accord; they accepted the principle thai ihe agreement and its annexes will be "legallynd they agreed toa joint liaison group to facilitate tbe transition to Chinese rule.

Beijing's selective treatment of these details in its own mediaalculated effort to play down any hint of Chinese compromise on troublesome aspects of the negotiabons. PRC reports on Howe's remarksoreign Ministry Information Department spokesman's statement released by Xinhua lateauruat, after Howe's press conference, made no reference to tbebiaarlag" nature of tbe agreement. This hasriority item on the British igrrTr^r. according to Western media, while Beijing has insisted on uneejuivocaj sovereignly after reversion.

instead. Cbincac media accounts focused on the formation of tbe joint baboohinese priority. On this point, the Inforrnatioo Department spokesman confirmed Howe's assertion that the group's functions would not include any administrative or supervisoryoncern rabed in both British and Hong Kong media.




Unlike Beijing media, the PRC-controlled Hong Kong press provideddetail on ihe Sino-Britiih ulkj, portraying China as reasonable and forthcoming inmooth transition to theeriod. For esample. Ta Kung Poougust was explicit in reporting compromise on whether the agreement shouldet of general principles (Beijing's preference)et of specific arrangements (favored by London) and in resolving differences over the joint liaisona Kung Poo editorialugust reflected Chinese concern over public confidence in the colony, declaring lhat once the agreement takes effect both sides will be obliged "strictly to observehis "reliablebe paper said, will give the people of Hong Kong "full confidence" in the future.ouo)

Original document.

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