Created: 5/16/1985

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National Intelligence Daily



Warning Page


Pa panoil's Electoral Platform


campaign program ol ihe ruling Socialists reaffirmsto eventually remove US bases but_

Papandrtou will keep Greece In NATO and the 7 J

of US military facilities when the five-year term of the Defense Economic Cooperation Agreement endshe program does not repeat past claimsnilateral right lo remove US nuclear weapon', a: any lime bui links their removal lo the withdrawal of US



Socialists apparently are abandoning promises to withdraw from NATO and the EC, but relations with NATO will remain "frozen" until disputes with Turkey over Aegean issues ere resolved. They will continue lo protect and prorpote Greek interests in ihe EC. The platlorm also uses harsher language toward Turkey than was used In ihe previous election campaign*"" ^ _J

1 tone of the program probably is designedo.leltisl and centrist constituencies. The tough talk toward Turkey will appeal lo the entire political spectrum. In comparison with past campaign platforms. Ihe programurn toward moderation, even though it may not rciloct how tne Prime Minister will behave If he Is

8 I


Moscow has gone public with its protest lo Pakistan over Ihe death in late April'oop of Soviet and Afghan POWs whoaha tan as litgyjried to escape their captors at an Afghan resistance campeaafaBBaaaaBBaT'^ Soviet! are demanding thai Pakistanhose Involved and are expecting Islamabad to draw (ho proper conclusions about the con acq uences ol complicity against Afghanistan and Ihe USSRthe herotsm of the soio-ks for attar-cling the escape ana not stjcewmbtng to resistance eflorla to make them


ro&ably arc designed In parfTo add to the internal debate In Pakistan about Afghanistan when the Pakistani National Assembly convenes next month. In addition, the Sovtels obviously see Internal benefits, especially in theE-Day celebrations, horn highlighting Ihe troops' hetolsmB^^JJ


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rice Control* Impoaed

The Yugoslav Government announced Tuesday Ihai soaring Inflation will forceo impose some price controls within Ihe next few weeks and io restrict credit lo some enterprises until they lower prices. Mosl price controls on Industrial goods were tilled last. September in compliance wtlh Ihe IMF standby program thai expires loday. The government blames "opportunistic monopolists" for raising prices and claims lis decision is necessary to hall Ihe rapid decline In the standard ol

lough the price controls ac entlydo not violate Ihc newlMF standDy program, theyelgrade's commitment to price liberalization. The government has been under growing 'pressure Irom many senior politicians lo lake action to conirot inflation. The new measures, however, largely Ireal the symptoms ralher than Ihe causes of deep-sealed economic problems and may undercut Belgrade's campaign to ease future oversight by the Fund.

YUGOSLAVIA: Mow Head ol State

Vice President Radovan Vlajkovic becomes Yugoslavia's new Head ol Stale today under ihe country's annual leadersnip rotation system. Vtajkovic hasiaunch defender of the interests of his home jrovlnce against Serclan efforts to strengthen central aulhonly.

'vlaikovic's assumption of the ollice wai have littlepolicyTthc Yugoslav Head of State has linlc power of histootleglal nine-member Slate Presidency.designed Ihe annual rotational system for lop state andto ensure stability alter his fleam: the parly is headed lorleadership rotation next


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EC-CENTRAL AMERICA: Cooperation Framework Agreement

The EC Commissio yesterday proposed negotiating an economic and political cooperation agreement with tne Central American states. Including Nicaragua. The dralt agreement douDlcs EC aid lo theiniona five-year period. The groundwork for the agreement was laid last September by EC and Central American foreign ministerspecial meeting in San Jose, Costa Rica. EC governmenis must approve the proposal belore formal treaty negotiations can begin j| ^ faj

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overnments almost certainly will approvetalks with Central America but probably will not concludeunless' more progress Is made in the Contadora talks.Is likely to continue lo maintain that Increased aid shouldlor mullilaleral development agencies In the regiondistributed directly to Central American governments.proposal, wWch has boon anticipated (or somebe Intended to add momentum to the ContadoraManagua Is likely lo portray Use moteesponseUS trade embargo



Middle Fast

acting director ol the UN Reliel and Works Agency, an Irish national, was kidnaped in West Beirut yesterday. Callers purporting to represent (he Islamic Jihad and (he lesser known Revolutionary Organization ot Socialista covername used by Ihe Abu Nldalresponsibility The latter group claimed responsibility lor murdering two British diplomats In Indie and in Greece last year and for kldnapint Brilish journalist woiking lor meebanon last March!


bombsolice station and. Iwo court buildings In South Africa yesterday,roperty damage but no Injuries. The aiiacks occurred near Tsakane.rade union leader who died shortly after leaving police custody was being burled. In related activity black labor unions calledwo-hour strike to mark the leader's funeral,ess thanercent ol Ihe work force supported the cali.M M

Weatern Europe



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Original document.

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