Created: 8/4/1987

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Talking Points for

Use with SecState

Seeiatance military leeder Enrique Beraudez met withCroup on Nicaragua (IC/H) at length onuly and

exhibited all the traitsature political

leader. The only note of discord was the perception that Bersuriet was unwllllnq to follow up on allegations of abuses agalnat the nonduran civilian population in areas near resistance baae eaeps. This Issue le being addressed in parallel approaches by the Department of State and the CTA.

RepresentatIvea of seven Nicaraguan political parties of the Internal civic opposition attended the Liberal International Conference held in7 andeclaration calling fort

in-mediate political dialogue with the Sandlnlataa with the objective ofluralistic democracy in that countryi

free election sj

abrogation of repressive Sandinista lawsi

end to miliary intervention.

The group of seven agreed to take atepe to energise the opposition at hose and capture the political support and avepethy o* deeocrata abroad. Delegates to the conference supported the civic oppoaltlon's demsnds. It waa the first tine that the seven opposition political parties had net outside Nicaragua.

ommander Enrique Bermudez recently indicated he will make some changesueber of areas to Improve command and control by expanding hia staff andhief of ataff position. Other areas of change include logistics, special operations, civic action and the aynerglstlc integration of intelligence, operatlona and logistics.



tho sffectiveneee of resistance *special commando forces".

Defense MinisterOrtega reportedlyember of Costa Mean preeldent Oscar Arias* delegation visiting Managua last week that the resistance special teaas have aucceaafullyuaber of attacks against important targets throughout the country and are armed wtth the aost sophisticated weepona.

dditional after-action reporta have coae in onttack at San Jose de Bocay,

The town waa attacked after it became evident that the Sandinistas were withdrawing foreea rroa the field to protect urban aceaa farther eouth In conjunction with theJuly revolutionary celebrations.

forcesotal of nine killed and in Mounriori in the attack. They claim Sandtnlatas losses -atelv BO ma,nd at leaat one soldier rrti<mr-*d.

sandinista ailltary forces continue to be stretched out thinly by resistance military operations throughout Nicaragua.

the Sandinistas

attackedTn IndlaiTbaee carp Ift-nortaeastern Nicaragua onuly, using assault teats aupported by helicopter gunahipe.

A serlea of artillery attacks and patrols ware conducted by the Sandinistas in the Lae Vegas salient last week, although the situation there now is reported to be cale.

During the last two-week period, erial resupply mission* were flown,1 pounds of coabat auppiies and equipaent to Realatance forces in Nicaragua. Tbtals since the resumption of United States' eeaiatance0 aisslons flown1 tons) of supplies delivered.

To date,issionsf successful

aisslons) have reported receiving ground fire at sose poinr durlnq their flight.

In anticipationigh level of congressional lntereat in visiting Nlcaraguan resistance caaps tn Honduras during the aumaer recess, advance arrangements are being made to provide adequate ground and air transportation support. The nuaber of visitors to Honduras could range anywhere from.

Original document.

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