Created: 6/8/1987

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In Brief


New Cabin el

The Iwo major parties, the Umma and the Democratic Unionist, share the most Important cabinet posts, as In Sadiq's first cabinet. Three southern parties have one ministry each. The cabinet has been expanded fromoortfolios, but four posts are stut vacant. Sadtq, the Umma Party reader, will keep the Defense portfolio. Democratic Unionist Muhammad Tawflq Ahmad will replace the slugotsh Zayn ai-Hk>dl as Fore*on Minister, and another Democratic Unionist, Ibrahim Abd al-Galll, will take over Ihe Trado Ministry Irom Muhammad Abu Hurayra. whose disputes with oojrernmeot colleagues helped prompt the cabinet snuff3

|Sodlq undoubledly hoped the shuffle would get rid of neOfltptSaan or troublosome ministers, wouk) snow his Intention to Improve government handling ol the economy and the southern Insurgency, and would distract the disgruntled military leadership. The two most Irksome ministers are gone, but there Is unllkeiy to be much respite from biter- and Intravpe/ty btckertng or much progress toward consensus on pressing Issues. The Islamic Front's exclusion means Its leaders win continue criticizing Sadiq's policies at every

Sadlq'e efforts to shore up public confidence come as Johnouthern hTsurgents have scored disheartening victories against two Army garrisons In the south.eep reluctance to overthrow Sudan's democratically elected ofHclels. military officers mayea of the government If more defeats


Special Analysis

Facing Peacekeeping Force

Tho UN Socurtly Council will almost certainly renew theandafe of the UfV force In Cyprus (UNFtCYP) ageln Ihlt month, but aerere!rf oca guest font aboul lhe unit'a continued viability. Arty weakening ol UNFtCYP, which haa servednd Turks on thend forould endanger the Cyprus aeflfemanfprocaaj ano* eveno specter of re.irtwecf boafj,'f<oi.B

only UN force funded by voluntary contributions from UN membera perennial financing problem. Currently onlyembers contribute, moat at low levels, and UNF1CYP Iseficit of5 motion,esult, reimbursements of expenses to uxjop-conWbuling countries have been delayed. Stockholm's total contribution to UNFICYP. for .example, has swollen to three times Ita annual UNit.^J^ y.

These financing problems and lack of progress In the UN negotiations have prompted aome contributors to reassess their involvement In UNRCYP. Sweden announced lasl February thai It would withdraw Us force otpercent of lhe UNFICYP1 January unfeas the unit's funding problems were alleviated or there was some rrwvemerit in the UN negotiations between Greek and Turkish Cypriots. The Swedes have recently Indicated they mkjht reduce their force by haft rather than compiejoMyJtodraw. but financial concerns may yet force thorn to pull <Hlt H


UN Force In Trouble

ir* UN to establish an internaliorvaI peacekeeping mission there. UNFlCYPs inillal AJtbouoh beefed up during4 Turkish military Intervention. UNFrCYF. strength her,

^Silta nriiiMMI S*

patrols the Green Une between the Qroek south and the TurMsii north, but small conllngonls remain scattered throughout the Island M



Original document.

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