Created: 6/2/1988

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/Terrorism Review^


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2 June )'

errorist Tartal io Toronto .Economic Summit


lathering of seven allied heads of governmesit ai ihe Toronto Economic(tornouno-will provide an opportunity forWestern leaden. Terrorist groups may also lime allacks elsewhere agajasto rwuseicfc to gain tne aucaiitsvof the mtcraauoeal media- Although there have boca'ao yspecific threats to the Stmmit or its or their slate (porumrs pose* threat:; "

Toronto or elsewhere is high. JRA activists bow participated ia attack) coinciding with the last two Economic Somroiu and haveapability to Operate internationally, including la North Aroerka. Theorwatin the UnliadSialcs-ofsuspected JRA'membet Yu'- large shrapnel bombs, underscores the immediacy of the threat.

- Libya. The probability teat Libya may stuck lbcigh An, gathering that otTcai tbe opportunity to attack tbc b'ciioC Suites. France, aad

Britain aimolUneously io retaliation fors US airiirihes wouldr^"'Jf atuacttlcntMa. Since Ibe Libyan* pieaeoce in Canada ia

another group, such is the were toerrorist surrogate wouldonsistently sought when

resident diplornaU add fewerTripoli's capabilities' '

-wro *re minimal. Qadhafi probablyjrrIh*.Abu Nidal organization against the Summit. Ir. addition, ate <

v Qadhafi with the layer of deniabilhy lhalWestern targets.jl

Ac-"- .

i to the Summit Is moderate. Use ANO. , ,prepared to oondact terrorist operations against US aad Israeliin ret alia lion for the assassination of Abu Jihad. PLO leaders,Arafat, continue publicly to accuse Use United Stale* of compliestykilling- Thepredominant Palestinian threatew wax of attacks against Western targets.Summit would offer an appealing target, Palestinian lactions have

errorist operation in North America and may not have tbe capability to carry out an attack against the bcaytly guarded Summit. They robably will conduct retaliatory attacks elsewhere.

. threat from Iran.--

nevertheless,eeding on developments In ihe Persian Gulf, where many of (he Summit padkipanu are engaged. Iran last year conducied surveillance and made a; lac lahe Uniied Stales.



concentrating its energy on an antr-Saudi rrtopagnndaVterforiit, andampaign in anticipation of lhe pilgrimage teason from'mid-Ju^to tlaeeaagr

The threat to thc Stimmii from Sikh group* in Canadaandwi SumrruT" Seven interest. In India is low. The tbrtal Is diminished Urgely,owing to the re-"

cenrciackdown.odSikhs In Canada and the de^uiiorror imminent

lion, of Sikhs charged wiih lenorh]'

. TT. .-

Sikhi eonunuoilyablywould notwantheiTalready_

ttmbhed.prtssImage byiupporting Sikh'eMrernist aetrriiie*'


Europe Cyprus



Fiilrd Car Bomb AlUck Against Israeli EmbassyOnowerful car bomb exploded In Nicosia, Cyprus, lolling'uircc. Cypriot police guards outside ibe Israeli Embassy bad twkfc treated. lhe vehicle from parking outside theintended i

FLNC EseaUtetational Libera lion Franl (FLNC) appears to be expandingand escalating the level of violence, as il promised last year. In the pastattacks to noe-Ccesican French police, ether Freshmen.April, however. COrsican police were the targets in six separate* ear bombing that injuredoBtcenassing police van. ThisFLNCs first iemote controlled bomb attack aad represent* aa increasedaopt.riiieaiioo aad lethslity. Daring Mare^aael April the group also ttin Marseille duiiag early cvcning.-Inast such bombs were actlite at night lo avoid casualties. Members of the group alao fired oa guards la March, killing one, ana, in April, blew up fire hoear.restaurant. Tbe Ultcr^ttacki ind the police van bomb demonstratedability to carry out several major attacks within slightly more thinlo many different pari* of the island, including areas where the groupi previously BCllvc*..



Rise in Use of Vehicle

US personnel end facilities at well at local targets In HI Salvador and Colombia are coiningore serious threat from vehicle bombs. Since Marchitvadoran Farabundo Marll National Liberation From (FMLN) has usedombs le attack businesses frequented by US personnel. Front members detonated car bombrii iwo restaurants In lhe Zona Rosa on II Mitch and at lhe parking lot ofa movie theater in Colonia llscaton onarch, injuring several people. Trie FMLN alsoehicle bomb in frontecond movie theater onpril and left anutber, which police deactivated,csuurint the following

Two Incidents involving carTirrrd8 in Cokunbea.members of the National Liberation Army used


car bombs to attack Occidental Petroleum's main office in Bogota and In'.a^Jbombing In Bucarantsnga. Thirteen persoos^rere injured during"n Occidental, but police weit able to Urjcti-ate thc device left

devices use! ii both the*

were sophisticated and powerful. Because manpower, equipment, and otber resources of the Salvadoran and Colombisn security forces are alreadybgrowing use and sophistication of vehicle bombs byreatly increases tbc threat to .US personnel and facilities in those two countries.

Asia Japan

to the Seoul

Japanese Red Arnty Faction .Member . .ay. Tokyo police arrested YasuhiroShlbata, one of eight survivingterrorists wanted for tbe hijackirlgapanese airliner to North Korea ine was charged withalse passport and may face additional charges. I


Nidal Organliarion Implicated In Attack

Sudanese authorities arrested fiveihe team'soonnectkwrwith tbeay attacks on tbe British Sudan Club and the Aeropoie Hotel in Khartoum. The twqjnciderits occurred about on hour apart, klllinit seven

South Korea: Terrorist Threats' to theJMa>-

Pyongyang's public threat* agains;8 Stool.ummer Olympics and iu sabotageouth Kore-an airliner bat November clearly point to North -Korea as the greatest challenge to the security ofames. Severaloups have tbe capability and perhaps the motivation toerrorist laddeni in..the Japanese Red Army, Palr^mv-tan groups, and terrorist organizations with tics to *

South Korea jiy sea or ote its cabling agent net-carry oat terrorist incident! aroundit could raise tension by creating incidentsthe remilitarized Zone. The North might abou7eatucks sgainstOlympic targets byerrorist groups mwm%9' ,'*

The Threat Frooi TUrd-CountryGroagaSeoul is taking caicnaive precaulioni to prevent Several international terrorist groups, eitheripd agent infiltrations, but interriational air cd by tbe North or working on thetr'jwn. have theto South Korea rcrnaia vulnerable to sabotage capabilities aad perhaps the motivation to disruptbe used (o:v.cs |aBJJS>



Northrest of the JRA's second-ranking .memma .


ilence by North Korea is ibe*.' Japanyember suggest thesecurity lhrea( to the Games. In thc milthe Northiolent campaignSouth, anil Inndyon-sponsored asaasainatioo attempts againstleaden.4 North Korea began aeffort to opto dialogue with ihc.South, seek-to appear eager to alter the dangeroui militaryon the peninsula. Even so, P'yongysngwarn of the dangers to theif iu efforts loarrangea cohosting deal with *JRA action againll the Games mayfailed. Ia7 the Notlh moved hostage* to eJteut the release of iu lospriaonedrhetoric to aciion when itorea Air"^berv The groupommunique shortlyjet over the Andaman Sea near Burma A aruoka'a arresi suting that it would retaliate forbj ih< cptured utxKcur leftl -seizure. In Ibe past, tbe JRA has carried oatiraponii biltty and rdcnlified disrupting ttacks dcaigoed to secure tbc rctcOM of IuOlympics as iu motivation. More recently. P'yon- cned members, sod Tokyo has met the JRAissuedto hi

Palrsiimioa Groups. Palestinian groups, whichto use terrorists to prcst their case against UrneV also couldhreat to ibeOlympics. as In Municht tucks by Palestinians outside brae) and tbc occupied territories have dropped over the put

allies not to participate In the Games, citing thc

potential threat to foreigners, which heightens our concern lhal North Korea rnay attempt additional'. violence. flM

Should thc North choose this course, it willeveral options for disrupting the Games by fostering an impression toot Seoul is unsafe. MorCatiliner sabotage would heighten concern over the safely of travel to Seoul. The North could inftltraic agcnii inio

North Korea's Campaign of Violtnet

the. North Korea carriedampaign of violence against the South. Northguerrilla forces, up lo company-sire ineliberately sought to engage US and South Korean miliiary forces inside the South. The attacks were well planned, rwtflly executed, and designed toheavy casualties. The campaign cameead In January im. when aboutorth Korean commandosold but unsuccessful attempt to storm the Bluepresldenllal mansion In Seoulan guerrilla forceJanded-on ihe east coast of South Koreatlome-ten south of theThey tried to establish control over several villagers and attempted toopularly supported Insurgency. The effort failed, and the entire fores was eliminated as it

, apparently because It had worked against the Northsfrom stirring up

domestU unrest, ihe North's, violencenifying effect on the South Korean population. Less blatant

forms of violence did not end.hOwever. ax-the-Nqrth has since mode several attempts to assassinate South

emetery near Seoulorth Korean-agent was killedomb he was plamtng detonated accidentally. The detonation occurred

shortly' be/ore'Prtsldenl-Park Chung Has was Scheduled lo arriveeremony.

- _

nother North Korean agentistol t President Park during an appearance at the'wr* Nationar Theater In Seoul. The assassins shots 'fefevt; issed the president but killed his wife.


orth Korean agents offered twolarge sums'ofmoney to astesslnaia

deni Chun Doo.Hwan when he made tsnc^

to ihe Philippines. The Canadians,* -"

seonded with theJvorth Korean cashVrjfi

foiled again InhenieJ to kill President Chunisit'

^Eighteen other senior South Korean

clalsdled what, the agents mistakenly


their radlodeionaied bomb before'Chun's arrival, '

a growing num.- fjfeaW-ajtaasMi


year, bat, wheo they have occu

ber have been in Asia rather than ami ton* i west ich

ombing or hostage-taking operation against US) Iraqi, Saudi, ana*other Arab targets. Iranian-backed terrorist groups also could act ns surrogates for North Korea,!

European venues. Wt judge ihe most serious Palesiio- groups supported byould use the Games ian threat to Ibe Olympics would be from lheklal organiialion. from iuhe group bas ctancrutraled an abilily lo operaie beyond lhc Middle East, having siaged armed attacks and bombingsarachi. Islamabad. New Delhi, and Bombay, US. Israeli, and moderate Arab interests probably would be Ihe targets of any operations by Abu Nidal;


; spparer

ibop, but iVitie travelersbe difficult lo wuchSeoul is inundated wjihignitaries ind visitors to the Gomes MbV

. Seoul's SecuritT Rtiponse The South Korean! ate taking extensive precautioni. lo prevent violence during Ihe Olympics

preven; liaex Si

South Korea is also focusing infiltrations via inter national arourd Kimpoearly all scheduledf

subject to extensive itnmi gra lion and customsAirport officials have tightened chocks un-pai belongings, and ordinary ilemi luch al' toot paste and cosmetics are removed and en mined. Sniffer dogs are used to check for explosives. This

CMUxahcuive program should make ii difficult for lerrorist group* los'muggie weapons or eiptan.ei into South Korea before or daring thcB%

Olympic omcials are also attempting to seasitiie Korea Air Line* and other carriers with regular fijghu to Seoul to the need for thorough screening al points of departure and at stopovers, nonetheless, we believe this will be ibe weak link in ibe security effort. Although airportsachine* capable of detecting weapon* made ofthat can diicover explosive* ate nill largely in ihe development stage, and many airports do noi have sophiiiicaicd equip-merit, panicularlyihostin tbe ThirdWorld. Deiec-tton of explosive device* derwftaTKnrii^eoruiurmng hand searches of passengers and their baggage. Many commercial airline) arc reluctant to use thesebecause they slow Rig hi departures.

A New Twist on thc Sikh Terrorism Issue tJfJJ

allegations of Pakistani support for Sikhisowniurn in Indo-Pakistani relations In ihc cominj moniht and frustrating US efforis to foster coopers lion between the twoNew Delhi has revived accusations thatallowsintended forunreach Sikh militant! in InclT

Raiting the PaklaUnl la early April, senior Indian officials revived alien-tiorci of Pakistaei complicity In Sikh terrorism maiily.aMlJHftfa to rally support in Parliament ar; in the pre" lor Crime Minister Rajiv Gandhi'slo address the Sikh problem. The allegation* also herp GaniShi deflect accusationsoosition politi-

8 Sikh militants weretosomelitnes werelethal weapons in

border security guard allegedly provided cover fire for smugglers whoested while bringing weapons Inio India. Indian press accounts claim Sikhs have acquired US-made Stinger missiles and quote unnamed Indian officials as saying Sikh lerrornts trained in tbc West in the use of high explosives hilocal Sikhs

n recent months Sikh militants for thc tirsc timesed racket-propelledoreexplosives, and greater numbers Ol*ew Delhi is also concerned that Sikh militants are moving their campaign of violence outside Punjab.ikhs assassinated Hindu Cong teas pally officials in Haryana and Punjab as partual Xratcgy to incite communal violence bclween Hindus and Sikh* and to duct edit Gandhi's Congress party in Isaryaaa's stale elections.ISi haspecial antitcirorist anil ia Ultarwhere Sikhs have targeted Hindu politician!.

Over Ihe last severalew Delhi haseven tougher security measures and for thc first time iaear has made several politicalo address the surge In killings and defuse domestic ciiticism of iu Punjab policy. In April, tt closed ihc Punjab and Kashmir sections of iu border with Pakistan, announced plans tuence in strategic areas along the frontier, and assignedBorder Security forces to patrols. Security forces mounted the largest campaign since4 Blueiiar operation to dear militants from the Golden Temple. Patliunentonstitutionalearlier this year thai gives Gandhi the authority Ho sutpend civil rights in Punjab. New Delhipgrading (he weapons of police and paramilitary personnel there. In an effort to show someGandhi releasedtkhephew of Sant Bhindranwale, the charismatic leader killed in Ihc Indian4 atuck on thc Sikh's GoWen TempleIhe hope thatSikh

Accuse Pakistan Now? Gandhi's need lo explain the sharp rise in Sikh-related violence to his domesticrobably lhe reason for the latest round of accusation*'of Pakistani wpport for the Sikhs. The total of violent deaths in Punjab this year is approaching law year's record of

Pakistani lavotrement? JttQkW Pakistani support for theSikhiource of Instability in India-

They recognize Uui Sikhore ihc result of alienation following4 Army auaelt on lhe Golden Temple. anti-Sikh tioti in Ne* Delhi following Indira Gandhi's assassination, and lhe ongoing securily opee-aiiom In Punjab. Tbe bulk of thecaouicea probably come from collect torn at Sikh temple* In India, contributions from Sikh expatriates, bankand thefts of Army and paramilitarynot from the Pakistanis Even aocepting at face value ihe eoafeaatceis extracted from Sikh* captured by the securityakMtani involvement appear*

New Delhi remains irritated thai Istsmabad permits Sikh-reb ted activities in Paklnan on the ground* that tbe Sikh* arc political dissident* rather than terror-uti Islamabad ha* taken no significant stepurtail small-scale arm* transfers and iraining for Sikh rruli-Unu in Pakistan:

I in any

case. Pakistanis would be bard pressed to curtail loch activities. Islamabad publiclyimited number of Sikh* on yearly pilgrimages to shrines in Pakistan and,. allowed Sikh* fleeing the Indian Army to take refuge ia Pakistan They were subsequently sequestered in detention camps where Pakbtani security officials had an opportunity, to estaUilhew Delhi Ita* givenideotape allegedly snowing Sikhsraining camp in Pakistan and copies of statements taken from Sikhs arrested a* they illegally returned lotraining sites and thc name* of oenciab who trained ihem. India and Pakistan rcccnily agreed to mount joint policeoil along the Punjab border, bui the agreement doe* not Include provision* foi hot pursuits

Colt Ttmptt-

Indian paramilitary formday virte In Amritsor warn Sikh militants occupying ihc Golden Tcmplt surrendered onay.ikkr surrendered, and more lhanuspected Sikh militants wire killed afirr Indian forces took control of building! in the templr compound. Press reports suggest stvxral of the dead committed suicide or Han shot trying to escape during lhe surrender. Thtay. when militants inside lhe temple complcienior Punjab police officer who was trying to prevent fortificationassageway.escalated as paramilitary fortes moved to Ot*-late and ensrr the eomplts. As the siege cam tinted, local polict mode large-ttott ar rests of Sikh political leaders ond clerics. Just before ihtot sparked thc siege, thr Indian parliament had tsttnd-ed Presldtnt's Rule in Ihe Punjab tn an aittmpi io curtail ittadily rising Sikh itrrotism. Killings by Sikh tstrtminsen ton tht Punjab sinerfi May asnaatgaBBaaa)suflHH^ upsurge In violence also has spied outside the Punjab into largely Hindu

Although tht government's success In tnding tht siege without storming lhe temple's holiest buildings may limit furihrr alienation amongltobt the assault by paramilitary forces will do Utile to crlpplt militant viottnet in lhe Punjab. Ntilker have turtoll-aaassf of ct*ll liber lies ond Bgreatly reinforced police presence coaarolltd the violence. Detention of Sikh leaders and ihe mass surrenders of militants engaged in the siege failed to nei lhe most Important militant leaders, whose hit iQuads already have, begun lo 'rait outside the Pu


given ihe amount ofweapons already in Pafcstani arms bazaars, ihe Sikhs could easily acquire automai-ic weapons and ammunition even wiihoul Pakistani Government

Both India and Pakistan are beginning toair diplomatic approaches to the suprrpowcri daring lhe Initial week; of Ihe Soviet mililaiy withdrawal from 'Afghanistan. Tbc lrrdiao&hopc ihai by early next year they can enlist sufficient sympathy in Washing-ion on the issues of Sikh terrorism aad Pakistan's nuclear weapons program io weaken in peon for full funding of ibe US miliury assistance peogtam for : jgaaa.

The Sikh issue it likely toall over Indo-Pakuuani rciiiioni ia coming, enoatbs thai "ill pre elude progress on other issues such as expending radc, opening rail links, and cooperatinguitail cross-border narcotics trafficking. New Delhi'swiih lhc Sikhs are likely io Intensify with their acquisition of more lethal weapons, and italmcal certainly will continue to blame Islamabad New Delhi's CjpoiJrueikMence akyng segments of the

border may raise tension with Islamabad, particularly if it is given publicity."be renee will not halt the movement of people and arms from


Delhi will look for additionalto blame Islamabad for lerrorisl problems in tbe region. Indian officials probably will try to trace more sopbbiicatecl weapons or more lethal explosives

A sharp dcterioftliim of the security situation in Punjab, particularly if Gandhi calls elections, may prompt New Delhi ioasII out"regular Jumx uaopt to msinuin It- and order.ecision will raise concern in Islamabad, especially if many of Ihe Indian Ire-ops are stationed along the bolder. If New Delhi moved Army units to augment paramilitary pat rolling ofrbe Indo-Pakisuni border. Islamabadeciprocal move. As long aa tbe Indian armored drvbioni remained in ganiton,conditions would be leas threatening to Pakistan than during1

tilitary exercisesloseon file


Attack* Againsi Saudi Interests:-Inspiredho .sJtjHftr

We believe Ihsi Inn and iu ropporten are resporui-

attacks against Saudi iniereau sincehe incidenu stem In pari from Iranian resentment over the killing of atranian pilgrims during an Iranian-riot in Mecca last year and from Saudi attempts to reduce Iranian attendance at this year's MuslimPilgrimacr io Mecca (Ha^^rsaxagsflgVthese attacks to continue as8 pilgrimage season begins.

The Case fp> Iranianand lb


regime undoubtedly believes it hasreason for conducting terrorism against Saudi Arabia. The Saadb support Iraq in the Persian Gulf war, and Tehran holds Riyadh responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Iranian pilgrims during the Mecca rioting.-

Because few arresu have been made and no caseeen solved, wc caajMUaMfirrrjihalJ ran has directed. ihe-tackx.,We believe, however. Hist Tehranarassment campaign shortly after the Mecca riot. Possibly as pan of thb cam- -paigo, Hbballabtatement not' long after the Mecca incident in the name of Islamicicture of US hostage Terry Anderson, warning the Saudi monarchy that it would not escape punbhmeot for the deaths ai_ incidents, 'ihc latest round of attacks has occurrederiod af decorating relations between Tehran and Riyadh J


assets ia Islamic funda-

mentals population* "world wide on which It couldwho rnight'beterroristIran maintain* ties to fundainentalbt Mualims-in Western Europe; tbe Middle Eaai, Asia, and Africa; at least hVhe case of Shia in Lebanon and tbe .Persiai Gulf states, Iran baa provided themraining. Last year, radical Shias staged attacks in Lebanon and Kuwait in which we suspect an Iranian hand. Tehran probably believes that usingfor terrorism provide* access to strategic targets as well as the deniabllity needed to preventIran presumably could abo employ its own operative* in terrorism. In the case of attacks on Iranian dissidents, for example, Tehran apparently has usedlocal expatriate* orbrought in for specifica high degree




of success. Finally. Iranimn sympsthiter* may conduct terrorist attack* on theirithout Tehran'sdemonstratetheir supporter for their own purpose*.

Saudi targetsill bc.cvco more probable between now and thc beginning ofaswcialryjiow lha Saudi Arabia has severed diplomatic relation* with Iran. The bombingaudis Airlines office in Kuwait onpril came one day after Riyadh -arjnov.nctd it was severing diplomatic relationsTrrran -aanBanStnannYaVr Iran wfj] attempt to stage atlacks in Saudi Arabia it."If

Fragmentary evidence suggests ihit ibe AburganUation (ANO) mounted some of the attack* against Saudi interests this spring:

Tbe highly charged atmospberc regarding thewith[the break In Iranian-Sauditerrorist attacks by Iran andlhe evidence of ANO

be theirstactivity

Chronology of

rribee' noteworthy foreign and international events Involvint

r*or the use of terrorist lacllcs. These events have occurred'or come'to Psv toffa seme-

mey nor ordevelopments lhat have already been

elsewhere In this-publtcation dre not included.* iuvii^rsk^iraiVtor-


Fa'ttv,g in cooperation with the Italian

. extradition, the two ayyuipocttd of robberies lo the Barcelona area andVlwmay'

be subject lo pior;

Child One bomb explodesigh-tensionearostd Iml bombs " . explode am railroad track that links Santiago aad Valparaiso, causing-

ue claimed'il'

Iraty: Italian appeals court re&ects sentence of IS years to eight for Palestiniantesi+ietedof5 kazooka attack oa the lordaniar. Embasiy in Rome. jams

Chile; Bomb comics mAor dansaxe to express train toevmotive on thr Conrtpcloa-^Santiago Has. There were no claims of


i('rv / r'r* i, .'aa*'-

-ci .

S Argentina; Police arrestuspected members of nrightwlpg urreelst group' Authorities confiscated arms,at nine loealions and also defused two*

' ^another at lhe Empamdeat mission near Plamiree in southernovernment security official was also killed during pursuit of the dissidents!,

. .. /rafyr BR claims atsasiinailon af two policemen la village near Bologna.are investigating^

. *

Colombia: Natloaal Liberation Army (ELM) guerrillas bomb Cane Limen-Corauat pipeline InArauca Department, causing damage at two unspecified locations.

Chile: Police arrest two members of the Manuel Rodrigaei Patriotic Front (FPMR)ember af the Movement af the Revolutionary Left (MIR) end charge them nlth bombing government offices, ttores^and

artible member, of ELN bomb Cano Umon-Ct-ena, pipeline: In Aranca Department, canting tabilantial oil toil and iattempting pmmping

Mozambique: Folic* In Maputo airiil IktttPortuguese citizens beiitrtd lo be memberitrrorhi group. The (hue -ere caughtilograms ofIn ihcir posacstion. Officials claim ihc suspects infiltrated into thc country but Febiuary^Jfc"

Cotommio: ELN gatrtillas, noting oj uumtnlt. ity to kidnap Paaaaaoniaaoneeery consul from consmloogjm Cartagena. The victim eacaped from lha kidnapers, who were later arrested by po<>ce. ffTfy ^

Stnejtat; Bom* ttptedtt Im mmkiag-elaji district of Dakar, deitroyitg mutM -belongingorerameai employee. The twevioutly unknown group "February 29

Resistance Mrjvement'" claimed responsibility for the attack and demanded the

resignation of President Diouf and release or opposition leader Abdoulayc Wade, who was arretted onebruary during riots protesting results of tbe election tbe

day before.

faro bontbi tspladt mlaatft apart mlisidaaxe modffice im Somtm Ft, emmiimg minor damage. No grourashas claimed rrapcembility.

llmlr Polite attest terror!II Dorir Mariaai, member tf the Rrratmtioaory Araaed Nuclei, at Fremek-ltatlaa border. Mariaai. scaicnccd toean and one month imprisonment, escaped last November while under house arrest, fg

Senegal: Bomb eaplodti al kydranlie Halloa In tuburbi of Dakar, letting pipeline ihat carriti drinking mater lotapttal. The Februaryesistance Movement claimed resnontibilitv sgjf .

Chile: Member of FPMR kllh irtarity official, woundl two otkennear an FPMR lafthouie in Vina del Mar. The terroriil was ahoihe incident..


Chile; Police in Puerto Monti detain stveu fishermen afterarge number of molotov cocktallijn ibeir boats. Officials aba discovered instructions on howjctmikc bombs.4jfL j

dan: Tiro Italian engineers held hostage for six moniht by Er'sirean rebels arrive in Khartoum. They were released in food coodilioo al lbc Swdanese-Eihiopcan border

Argentina: Police discover erstnal in shantytown of Butnos Airts. Manyuniforms, and flags with the inscription The Rico Way" were found inin the Adrrdral Brown iwiioo. -

Colombia: Members of ELN release television Journalistideotape of hostages kidnaped tke beginning of May. The guerrillas aboessage0 twW"atBl "Hilary human rights abuses and the "dirty

Colombia: ELN guerrillas kidnap an employee of tke Swedish Aid Organlteiion. suppontd by the Swedish International Development Authoriiy. The kidnapers have said Ihey will use her to convey political messages to the Colombian Government, fjt^t^

Guadeloupe: Fite explosions outiidt rtildt'ncei of French citizensS cilszea cause minor damage in St.ehicle belongingrenchman may have' been the target ofuck at lhe LIS cjtiien'i residence. No group has claimed, responsibility; simitar bombings have'been attributed to the Revolutionary Caribbean Albancedjpjf^ .


Peru: Unidentified Individuals attack PttroPeru pipeline near Arama/igo, Amaio-nas Dtpartmtnt. causing considerable oil loss. Theointly owned by Occidentaltjj

Kuwait: Bomb slightly damages closed Avis car rental office. Kuwaiti Shia backed by Iran may have been responsible.

Peru: Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MKTA) terrorists bomb iheSoeitly of Industries and the Exporters Association in Lima, causing some damage..


Turkey: Member, of the Kurdish Worker! Potty (PKK) hill II persons in Siin ' aatomatlc weapotu efttr making prooagnndarspeeekes. Three other villagers forced lo flee with tee terroriiti were later found dead. Withinoun the PKK mucked Bchemenin hamlet.rovince, and killedfrom the tame-

I fir Two rud.meatary exptotire ion let detonate near the lleliamechanical (OMI) PI mat ia game,or daatage- OMIMTaTI of tbe Agusia Firm and is involved in military production activities.claimed responsibility*

Awii* Africa: Police capture four suspected members of lhe Africa* National Congrest (ANC)ormhoatc mar Pretoria. Authorities also discoveredweapons cache ever found at one- location, which irrcludeeTa SA> missile. 'eTI s,

Colombia: la Bogota. ELN retrain If of II hottagei kidaeped earlier ia May, The remaining hostageserman honorary consul and the president of the Santacder Departmental Assembly in *

fraaee. Bomb explode*ofttlfer North African Im Cannot, lajariag four pettoat- Theoobytlippedas canister, caused eatensrve damage. Two previously unknown groups, tbc Movement against Noith African Invasion and Group Maudi, have claimed rcspormbttity.4jap""a> y

Brazil: Three homemade bombi explode ia aathroomt af military police heodemarteri ia Jeooaraiba State. No organization has claimed responsibility. y

Chile: Noire aomb explodes at intersection la La Serena. The device, consisting oframs of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil. was planted by unknown)

El Sahador: In San Salrador, unknown *ti*it**ti kill military court judge trereting home la his vehicle. Prior to his death, lorge Serrano had beenontroversial eases,5 Zona Ron murdersidnaping ring that was broken up in6 ftty^

MRTA trtroriut firr mortars ai headeuartert aflat Interior Mielttry ia San Itidro, weuediag rw

Spain: Beet* attack aaaard ceamry weeads three ia Placeman da lat Armas. Gwiyozcoa Preaiace. ETA cuumtdBfj

iiieweof electric company ia the Quima

f Santiago, cauiiag minor damage, tfi , _

ieiuaen: Caroaaiet la Jaaayl, injuring four perions. TbcForces militia denied lhalilogramsintended for its leader. Sainlrwho wai

Usonoa- Hltaolleh discovers feer foreign haiiagei at Amal militia canter in Beirut* BorJ el-BeraJioah lection.

were twon Iraep, and an Egyptian.

Pent: Probable memheri af Sendero Lmmlnato (SL) tomb aad kill serenridingatritom for-guard duty. The aiuilanta threw tbewindow. Approximatelyther guards on tbe bus were

yogi k y'

Two black pomdrr kantbt explode ia parking let af ike Meiara plant, military iadattriel facility ia La Spexia. Another bomb planted at Rome's Military Tribunal building failed to explode. The Anarchist Movetncot claimed responsibility for both incidents.- ,

Peru: SL terrarltti detonate, four eembi in Lima, plunging almost half the dry into darkaeti- The attacks coincided withay visit of tbe Pope.JJr'*'

Italy: Bombt explode et four locations inreeemlaently ethnic German towntheen Italy. The explosions caused considerable damage at the

local offices of the Public Radio-Televisionranch of the Dank oflat Dealership;ew public bousing complex constructed mainly for Italians. Police suspect German-speaking secessionist extremists.


Original document.

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