Created: 1/11/1989

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YUGOSLAVIA: New Demonstrations Flare Up


At0 angry workers and students, catling tor the resignation o( local leaders, demonstrated inro republic yesterday.orts. security was heavy but the demonstrations were peacetul. Montenegrinlers have refused to ibut agreed to meet tomorrow to consider protesters' oemands. They held lirm against similar demands trom demon supporting Serbian Party teadcct

i apparently spontaneous demonstration, probablyeconomic grievances, is among the most seiiuus protest tn Yugoslavia since Federal author Mm threatened unspecltiod emergency measures against pro-Serbian protesters in October it mayew wave oi protests against staled economic and polleforms. Some protesters praised Milosevic, but his involvement is not clear. Clashes between protesters and secunly torcas are likely and may lead to emergency measures.curlews and restrictions on assembly.

YUGOSLAVIA: Ethnic Strife Coloring Foreign Policy

Belgrade's relations with other countries are increasingly atlected by its domestic ethnic problems and by the activities ot emigre groups. Yugoslavia lor the first lime in recent years has protested Stmo Department contacts with us-bascci

_jYugoslavla has always been quick to react to emigre activities, but Belgrade apparently beilevos that its growing domoslic ethnic tensions and weakened central leadership leave It more vulnerable to emigre-sup ported human rights protests. It also tears, probably correctly, emigre terrorism: there were several bombings of Yugoslavhe West last year. Belgrade may increase lis harassment ol emigres in the US and its protestsnd use ol disinformation with US officials. It may also hold US objectives for cooperation in counter terro-ism hostage to galling more US nelp In monitoring emigres/


Original document.

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