Created: 11/1/1989

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible

1 rU0V.

CHINA: Liberal Politician* Expelled Froaa Hong Kong

Cnina'l Naiional People's Congress announced ihc expulsion of two Hong Kong activists from ihc Basic Law Drafting Committee responsible for drawing up ihc miniconstitution thai will govern ihc colony after it reverts lo Chinese controlothattacked Beijing's use of force to quell prodemocracy demonstrations in June and demanded China offer concrete guarantees in the Basic Law.e promulgated in March, thai il will mainum Honghird Hongclrgaic resignedrotect the Tunjnmcn

HktflHlThc decisionipcl iwo ofong Kung delegates is panampaign to show Hong Kong residents asas ihe UK lhat China will not tolerate what it views as meddling in its internal affairs. But ihc expulsion will hurt British efforts to rebuild local confidence by pressing ahead with democratization

Original document.

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