Created: 8/17/1989

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tyffj Airpon ihe guest area offale* and Diminu Stanishev.


world fattier of Tnrtaell as ao owl lute oo the .iii bring abroad" Yancher adds uf'ihii

Mr ia

b JtcrjutaV

'Abdullah aaterira.

i Country

* Central



Sofia RABOTNIOfESKO9 carries ooy Mikhail Yancbe tttioe, ot Turkey' Latcd lo tbe identiAcaUoh af Mm-iheirtcj ai bftongiog to

l Mikhail Ys [art iarullofi


panmuoductory' aw "Ihugs->fj atnnjglc agi .to daoni fo taKhescAieaa

TV anthor further eni MMad essays of Turkish whichathtg rhecirsteaeeof' Western Taxka.-ai Azaauaa^Ayy. An

TaUhow far the Turkish aoiat. They do notaqahe aggressive manner/ aad actions to the Turkish bo, hi the very basis of pao'Tu

GMaj RUa Vooderf teaching the Turkish /tnzuaae to Ysnchev remarks:

imponed oo part nl our com pa-Islamixed Bulgarians, was oot illy, and tor ihi* rduoo. Yonder tnethoda to keep op flx "flame' of the Turtaab afoDtasc."

Yancbev further poiDts out: The fact that tbt names of descends dii of bJamiwd Bulgarians were reatored the mm/severe blow againat paa-TurkisnV ii is no 'that in theirhe

g (he aniaalt of anadoia. tad theof ibe "sovereignheKKhing bad aaf thend ' . arkism

' ales some more recent Turkish pubucauofei oo i. including an article published in the daily on9 containing anio Minister Oral to esubalishinistry for'

: are these Turks]

valid for

'oisvrrypast, and destroy


atrcaaiag lhat "an number jf peopleaware thai pan-Tarkitm is acflme that should Vdfnounced by the entire lle admits"soberly thinkingn Turkey condemn OiaJta, chauvinisticresse. tbe hope th

or if they doet, the Cad thai what rs bappr n Tarkey isluadiction with present-day reaJiuea."

Farmri Bamlng Straw To Make Up Far Delays

on "Frying

9 Sofia RABOJSKO hi-if) t* Bulgarian II

report: "Warning Tip: Ban Made of Straw-]

Peat] It is well-known how the short-lived sensationaJ story ended coacerning the unidentified flying object that was recently reported to have landed near Moscow: Unprejudiced investigationserfectlyexpUnauoo. namery the combustionuge amount of dry grass. We would not meouon this attempt to male up for lhe summer shortage of interesting newsabricated story, if the danger had not recently arisen of similar "launching areas" alto appearing in the fields of Bulgaria.

collecting lhe straw from har-many areas this has begun oo of tbe basic soil caltiva-kadersbips

Delays are occurring vested fields, aider theperations, itay be tempted "toatchny time in thinking of the existing cateaprical pronibi-tkn ont not superfluous to remind ourselves that though prohibitions may well eaist, violalioni of those prohibition eaist as wdl.

Tbe lowest percentages of straw nave been collected in Sofia. Raxgrad. Burgas, and MuthayVr-grad Obuuii (betweenndarked differences cac be nosed in the way lhe different municipalities are carrying out this agrvculiural task.ew days ago Vebko TiirnovoMuniapaliry had completedercent of this task, and Lorn Municipality had collected the straw from So percent of the harvested fldds. Mikhaykrvgrad Municipality had only completed one-third of the work.

Original document.

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