Created: 7/31/1990

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Aloys UWIMANA (Phoaciic. OOwkMAHNib)

Amititiador to tht United States (sinct

Addrtutiai: Mr. Ambatiador

Uwimana was born one has an M. A. degree in economic! from the CalhcJic University of Louvaln in Belgium. He joined the Foreign Ministry inand subsequently served in several West European countries, including West Germany and Belgium.out as director general of economic financial, and technical cooperalloa in the Ministry of Foreign, he played an important rok in administering foreign aid. HeAmbassador to Japan4 until receiving his current assignment.


Uwimiiu visited the Uaiied States2 as an International VisitorHe ipeaki good English and French, in addition to hit native Kinyarwanda. He isCatholic.

Tfc and hit wife. Emma, have four



affpoved fob release

f-ATE: 7

Original document.

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