Created: 8/13/1990

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible





Irag-Xuwalti Situation Report Muslim Leaders Speak Out

On Sunday, Lebanon's fundamentalist Hizballah leader Hussein Musawi lashed out at Palestinians protesting in favor of Iraq in southern Lebanon, referring to Saddam Husayn asusawi reminded listenersress statement that the man who waged war on "the Islamic Republics (Iran) and Syria and unleashed chemical weapons on Kurds "was noeparate message, Musawi challenged Iraq to releaseilitant Shia Dawafate has been unknown since Iraq's invasion ofproof that Baghdad ls really In conflict with the US. Musawi suggested that up until now, all Saddam's acts have served US interests by leading to US Intervention in the Gulf. pffA #3

Approved for JJuleas Da to jJljft

Fundamentalists groups in Syria and Algeria are supporting Saddam Husayn. Despite Prince Bandar's public denounciation of Saddam as an unholy person unqualified to calloly war, the Islamic Salvation Front in Algeria Is calling the introduction of foreignprovocation and threat for the security of Arabhe Syrian Muslin Brotherhood also called for Arab solidarity against .the US presence in the land of the two holy Mosques.

booking for Food and Hadiolaa

lespread looting contl much of the plunder being sent to Iraq.


Iraq has approached Jordan and Tunisia in an attempt to obtain foodstuffs and medicine, both of which appear to bo sorely needed in Iraq and Kuwait. Baghdad is proposing that Jordanian merchants Import goods that are not usually available in Jordan and send them to Iraq.

economic sanction', take hold, the supply of food 'medicine In Iraq and Kuwait is getting worse, forcing Baghdad to turn to those nations that have lined up behind up it thus far. The movement of goods from Kuwait to Iraq may Indicate that Kuwaitis will suffer Aftereffects of shortages caused by sanctions before Iraqis.

Original document.

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