Created: 5/30/1944

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TO : Hr. Whitney Shepardson, Director, SI Branch,.

FROM : J. G.cting Chief, Istanbul Mission.


Ex-Bulgarian Ambassador to Japan.

Referring to my cable of the 2bth, we are considering retainingo consultative capacity

uuiosiii^ copy oiicn Tne latter has just given i

Inavejustong interview with Paprika concerningtalk with | oncerning Russia in Europe, and Russia,ro Japan,forward these' to you as soon as 1

It is our intention to use imited period of tifas duo to his friendliness with the Japanese hfrf^nd with the Russians in. Moscow, and his recent observations in Japan proper. ill write you more fully by the next pouch.

Paprika has just advised ne thnt heore important contact're Japan whom he wants me to meet, soon after arrival here of iiis chief from Ankara. For the timeave agreed to continue liaison with him on matters concerning Japan, and the new chains which we are endeavoring to establish into Slovakia, Poland, and the Czech Protectorate. He has indicated he wants this maintained.


two important factors in the Japanese war policy. Irn^Bpan there are two very li-rge and important coranercial corporations; Mitsui and Mitsubishi.

Mitsui Con cany

This companyreet variety of interestsmining, manufacturing, timber. This company took ecru of the expenses of the Russo-Japanese war, and in order lo expana its activities saw to it that Japanese territory was extended.

In order to establish his influence over the directors of this

' nmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmml -


Mitsubishi Company

This coapacy is concerneo with every kind, of business connected with the sea, such as the building of ships, maritime traffic as wbII as maritime air traffic, us well as munitions.

The Mitsui Company started the China war. At the beginning of the European war, and when the Axis was being formed, the Mitsubishi Company took advantage of that end brought Japan into the wtr against the allies.

Japanehe-Russian Relations (One paragraph omitted)

The Japanesenot go to war with the Russians, nor the Russians with the Japanese. To understand this better one must look into Japanese-German relations. Accordingtathe greatest enemies of ths Germans are thendsoTne Japanese consider oneirrostiibt enemies to be tna Geraans. Thisause the only

competitor against the Japanese tenhnlqiiA iS Germany. Japan's vara always have economic objectives, and it is on-this btsis that they choose their friends and enemies, rather than distinguish between friends ana enemies.

In this Bar no Butter what the Japanese recuestcd. thee refused. This is trueuable material.Correspondingly the Japanese have constantly raised difficulty for the Germans. For exaaple, the German Military Attache in Japan has been given no extraordinary facilities, nor trotted any differently thiai any other military attache. This as irritated the Germans greatly.

rrivea in Japan tne Germans were atHas hopingneuld decltre Kar against the Russians, tnd they were spying it souid be today or tomorrow.

At this moment on the boruer of ttanchukuo uid Russia thereapanese divisions, and facing tnem Russian aivisions.

(paragraph omitted)

The Japanese sent toan .ho is ine class as Mettemich and Tellyr&na, that is Saito. It has his constant desire to have good relations betteen the Japanese and Ine Russians.

Just at tills moment

iapressions from his voyage tiu*out

To this I Injf'jiu tnat Russia has made herself stronghe Germanslose the war by fighting against the

Whenever II askeduestionthe

some answer. Vhtr^fpWfese Ambassador in UoscJWrrWSs hao the stme idea and so advised his country. Ihus people in Japan had greater and greater confidenceto's political views.

Diplomats inkept saying that at some time in the future Russia, as an ally of the English and Americans, would give both of them naval and air bases. People kept advancingn obvious reasonar between Russia and Jupan. Honsver, *hose who determined the political fend war policy of Japan thought differently, and Japan, acted accordingly.

The Germans were extreoely irritated at the wuy the Japanese had acted. The German Ambassador failed to send New Year's greetings to the Japanese Emperor. The Japanese did not like tho old ambassador very much and in his place tho Germansan colled Stammer. This nan wasiplomat! he was ilitary man.n associate of Von Ribbentrop when Von Ribbentropine merchant, and Von Ribbentrop had taken him to England along .with him. Therefore,an like this was appointed Ambassador to Totio, other diplomats said about him, "he is the kind of diplomat who would want the Japanese to make an open declaration of war against Russia.*

Tokio was not well satisfied with the appointment of Stammer, yet hs started conferences, butower level that previously.

On Easter in Tojo went to Kanchukuo, end AwVybooy became hopeful again, saying that at last Japan would declare war against Russia, The purpose of his trip, however, was entirely different.

Tojo went to calm down the martial spirit of the Japanese amy in iJanchukuo. the comnander-in-chief of tne forces in fcanchukuo, who vas at the same time Japanese Embassador, Sinkik,trong foe of the Russians. Tojo calmad him down and told him plainly that they would not go toew months after tais the Germans befc-tn retreating ln Russia and then everybody understood wny Japan's policy had beenc conducted that way.

the situation.

the Japanese had issians and everybooy understood.

Opinion about Russian-Japanesethe Teheran Conference

In the days before the Teheranto.JapanBse Ambassador to Moscow, visited Stalin ana said that "You are going toonference at Teheran and you are undoubtedly concerned with the defeat of the Germans. If Cnin* enters this conference, we wont like it. Chinaothing to do with bringing about thef the Germens. For this reason,oidery badn Tokio, do not allow China to teJte pert in the Teheran Conference'. Stalin agreed. In spite of British and American wishes Chiang Kai Chek was requested not to attend the Teheran Conference, and that is actually what happened.

From this incident we may understand that theand the Japanese have made one another afraid.

(paragraph omitted)

The Axis and Japan

There are actually two ucis'ea the Miropean and the Asiatic.

It is absolutely impossible that the descendant of the Sun, the Japanese

Emperor, could ever be ln the same axis as Corporal Hitler,If the European

Axis snoulu lose the war, there is not much harm ln it for Japan: tta

though if the European Axis should win there would be some gain. For

Japan the realis the Asiatic one, and Japan conducts its policy

accordingly. In view of tne fact that Japan's greatest danger ln

Asia cooes from the presence of "nericans there, they want to get

Americans entirely out of the Eastren Asia. Russia couldarmless

oolleague in Asia. The Japanese una could even accept the English- -

in port, but they must absolutely see to it that' theicaasout of


panose- ftelotions

] relations bet&enn

JupanfT^VTWSTmTS^^fR^auBba people to hope that alter the war there would bo close commercial ana oultural contacts and the/ made preparations for this, the Bulgariani> sent toan sho fcas a

who had spent many years in hngland and whose eife was English. The Japanese could not possibly be pleased with bin, Tne Japanese took care of good relations between themselves and buigaria to such an extent that tney evenpuciai military attache to Sofia. Col. Kotonl.

At present they don't give much importance to this military attache as previously,ys taut the bulagariau believe

Original document.

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