Created: 12/7/1944

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7th Deoosoer Ridlo Pj-ojBot

rfhr* Division, 3HATP.


To under-aine furthernline ion of the war by of the existencehra.oht >oup inside Geroiny which profOMi to approach ftjltajjl ami ABerlo* on *now" teal*.

Q3T Pros within brainy,rawht foroee and th. Gerom

and alllea arc addressedy spokeohraoht ^roup which feela that:

Garmny haa lotuolly loat th. war

b. further righting will only roan losses and das truen for both Geronny and thohloh oan be avoided by peace now.

fl. Oonttauetion of the war would destroy tho reead'Unft Industrial, huonn and ooral reaourooa ofan nation, which tha 'floaWrn powers aotuelly need for tho rooonaonir ope.

d. The eehroecht out op.nly admit that it endo a, mistake ln aupnortlng Hitler aad th. fetlanL Jocialtst Fnrty.

a. The ebhra-cht represent th. only guarantor of order in 3onany as op-oaed If the radioalelewnta "hieh now -rope- to go underground.

The cover la thatllUr- radio transeitter looatad eouawhere onUrr. front.

A. Garein program. these, tho spokeoints out that tho military Bltuatli* now stnttoglcallyhat thj only thingIs the -aging by the Ocrmnaefensive,ar, but that the onlyof preserving anything oflies in unking peaoe am, even on the bails of unconditional surrender. The only ele-^ent in Oarmny which could possibly take the peaoe now, hich would giro Caraway any guarantee ofa tho .ahrmoht group praa*ntly apeaJcing; I radloala now grouped aroundare eoaj-ted lo continuation of the war to fte point of final destruction, -nd are theneelve* in no position to Hake the peace beonuae theyeowi'.tad national and International aota placlar. then beyond the pal. of Allied coneliara tlon. Oh thie Sail aelflahneis and nadn.ii, Ihe <Vwan mtions being aaorlfioed.


The tone of the Cnaan broadejiat la one of realistic apprise! of tho military and political altuatlon. Thjr-arfced effort to Justify th. approach to the Allies by thi? BBhrsnoht fij-oup. 'Jon by lnnuondo than by actual statement, the point/is made to th.paople that tho Vi.hntaoht, aaaosition to pullout of the ness into which thoavo plunged her, Thers la no vilification cf Hitler, although thar- Lt/MM of his satellites. In ganoral,group,noted, ainply adnltahey banked the wrong horse, and ae.ka now to point this out to th. narwui people.

aigliah program. a theSI*tea and'aln in Zngllsh aloig line, taeniae to provet would be to the

ot only of forxsny bye but of theto nak.ow, and point* eat that thlai>oup la th. only one which canuaraatoe ofhao.> any following sir reader. Intone Which

s no* lack, the tpokesnan points out that though

bn'.iAny. thoforcea (of whioh 'he pre scat

olicy *nd nllltary oooduot of th.refnsM. Srit!"lid

A. 1. Allied!

llitary lMdarii

(o) AltUd public opinion thr*ich th* ammpcrs .to. 2.

ofho srotee'or. at

(bJWiliMnti inlik. the fehmiaht

.Hitler and th. 'htloo,l

fl. inchv aneu* of *ha

-ar to aeoop* onoonditionalM inobTThTw!

BMtimdobll^ly in th=fenffMJB hmdouta

ondr.Undn ft.p


ZCPATIOT: Th. propotod to Ml oflnoe,thro.aor inera rroquantireondltim ft.rnn bro.dMBtafinutes

Original document.

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